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Everything posted by street707

  1. street707


    Thank you sir for nuking the spam.
  2. street707


  3. street707


    agreed! LOL thanks for watching.
  4. street707


    I try not to kill on sight but we all do it from time to time. It's just too hard to trust people. I've giving many people the benefit of the doubt only to be killed from behind 2 minutes later. It's a toss up. This time I was ready for a fight but decided to give him a chance. I didn't even know he had a buddy right next to me. Then all hell broke loose. LOL Thanks for watching!
  5. street707


    Agreed and great points. If your theory is correct I bet the clown mask guy did indeed get a ear full from his buddy. LOL
  6. Thanks bud. LOL Yeah I play my Reborn series on hardcore and when I stream I play on regular for the extra character. I always play in first person. It just makes it so much more intense and the immersion is much higher imo. I don't like playing DayZ in 3rd but I like playing ArmA 3 in 3rd. Not sure why. LOL
  7. Thank bud. I'm glad you liked it. Are you current in the series? Each episode builds on the previous and each episode gets better and better.
  8. Thanks bud. I'm glad you liked it. I'll have a new episode up soon. I've put a lot into this series and just want more people to give it a shot. For some reason many don't understand that it's a on going series that builds on itself. Each episode gets better and better and the deeper I get into it the more interactions I have with not only the environment but players as well. Thanks for watching and stay tuned.
  9. Into The Deep Stalker
  10. Armed & Dangerous Ambushed
  11. street707

    Airfield Massacre!

    The Misfits find some action at the N.E. Airfield. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeJRZ7C906w
  12. street707

    Airfield Massacre!

    They were not dupped items either Odin. You need to get off that. I only showed what I'm doing. I died 3 times and ran back. Those are our bodies and their bodies. My squad was still killing while I was running back. You should watch the stream. It's 3.5 hours but If you really want to see what happened then watch the stream. I don't cheat and that is that. Lets just be done with this now. I don't want to keep coming back to this. I don't need my name being associated with cheating when I'm not a cheater.
  13. street707

    Airfield Massacre!

    I'm all done with this now. I accept your apology and I didn't mean to come off all bitter. When I'm accused of ish that I didn't do it's a issue with me. I'm not cheater and can't stand them myself. I drunk when I stream and I honestly don't pay attention. I had not Idea what that meant on those mags until my buddy told me. We told him to put them in a box and ditch them but he didn't and they kept returning. We died 3 times during that whole stream and I cut all that out. No one wants to see use get back to the action. The video was awesome I thought but once you started claiming I cheated I lost a ton of subscribers and was getting a ton of hate mail on facebook and youtube. I don't want to get into this again. I was pissed that morning and I spent a lot of time on that video only to have all that happen. I'm a 34 year old man. I love gaming and I'm not cheater. I don't need to cheat. I don't go into gaming because I'm a beast gamer. I game to have fun and cheating takes the fun out of it. Lets just end this and can we all just start over. I really like a lot of the people on this board and I don't want this bad name for something I would never do knowingly.
  14. street707

    Airfield Massacre!

    That is my nephew! He's 11 and richspeed is basically my best friend and the backbone to my channel. She will stick up for me because she was there moderating my stream. Other then them. Those are the only people that said anything. I had to take it down to try and save my good name after loosing a ton of subs and viewers after what you said. I don't want to talk about it anymore. Ruined my FREAKING DAY! I've never felt so disrespected. I BUST MY FREAKING BUTT for this channel. I finally started pulling it out of all this WarZ funk and Rhinocrunch even saw my Reborn series and liked it and commented that he was impressed. I've been feeling so good about my content and then you do this. My day is ruined and I spent 4 hours of my life making a video that I thought was awesome only to have to take it down because you convinced everyone I'm a big cheating piece of ish.
  15. street707

    Airfield Massacre!

    You're sadly mistaken. Watch the stream and i'll accept you apology! and I removed the FREAKING VIDEO BECAUSE YOU'RE ACCUSING ME OF BEING A CHEATER! I lost so much respect for you. Now I see what you think of me.
  16. street707

    Airfield Massacre!

    Yeah we killed a couple of stream snipers that hacked in mags. I didn't know what they were. Once my buddy told me that he found one and I noticed I had one. I dropped it. I'm accused of cheating by someone I thought who knew me better. I had to take the video down. Now I feel disrespected and a bit pissed off. Anyone who knows or watches me should know I'm not like that. I just don't pay close attention to details of the games I play and didn't know what I had until I was told you guys can just watch the entire stream I used to highlight this if you want the truth.
  17. street707

    Nevermind Honor! We are The Misfits

    DayZ with a softer side except when it matters. :P