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Everything posted by Nomad211

  1. I was scavenging on the airfiled and I saw zombies being running toward me I hid and then someone began shooting them, when the shootings were over I saw one of the zombies carying as50 I thing I picked it up and started to look for a shooter but i didnt saw him then I saw nvg appear on the ground I went and picked it up then a gullie suit then mags its like in those cartoons some one was luring me in the hangar I went there and saw a car which I immidiately took and drove away afraid that I could get nuked.
  2. Nomad211

    I think I met a hacker

    or it was a really generous bandit which have decided not to kill me and gave me his car.:)
  3. Nomad211

    Player tags

    Sometimes during a game you can gate approached by a player who says he is friendly, as soon as you turn around he shoots you in the back or axes you to death. What I suggest is that according to players actions there should be certain tags on, such as if a player have a lot of murders he would be tagged as bandit and probably will get shot by other players. If a person have a lot of bandit kills he could be tagged as bandit hunter or bounty hunter, this could improve trust between players and I don't think it affect realism because in other words its called reputation or a player.