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Everything posted by Cats

  1. I do not recall a littlebird, being in the mod. Or any vehicles in SA atm? Anyway.. it is gone.
  2. Cats

    Butane bomb?

    Later, much later.
  3. I make sure I am in a position to kill them if needed, then I ask them. Are you friendly? and I kinda force them to be nice :) Also, I ask if they need anything.
  4. Cats

    the most intense moment in day z so far

    Yes, probs for at least adding subs :)
  5. Cats

    The DLC disscusion

    In order to make a Map/World DLC work it should have its own special features. For example: On DLC Map, you can find a raincoat with a different color, which can be taken to Chernarus+ aswell. Guns wise if could, for example, provide a new gun with (mainly) aesthetic differences. (So no UBER-Sniper or something) but to not make the gun Pay2Win the ammo should only be found on the DLC Map, so you can take your Rifle to chernarus+ but you will never find the right ammo for it there, so you are (kind of) limited. And because the gun is found on DLC Map you will not have an advantage on other players there.
  6. Cats


    I enjoyed the viddy & I like the way you guys play :) Have some beans. :beans:
  7. Cats

    Combat Logging

    The disappearing body's are being worked on, also they are probaly going to implement a log out 'delay' button to fight combatlogging ;)
  8. Cats

    Is it just going to be these 4 guns?

    Yes, there are going to be more guns.
  9. Cats

    Waiting for more content.

    see, I fixed it for you.
  10. Cats


    I believe we're not that into refunding, nor is Steam...
  11. Cats

    Rain anyone?

    I had rain. So I can confirm for you :3 Edit: Also, I didn't change any settings.
  12. Cats

    Post your suggestions here

    I believe we got like 100+ posts like this already?
  13. Cats

    Found Em!!!

    Can openers are like pretty cars. If you finally find one, you will keep finding them D:
  14. Cats

    Respawn Point & Saving Gear

    Soooo.... no? Quit breaking the game! It is about survival, there is no 2nd chance. Making 'custon' respawn points would mess with that... Tents: Will be in, just like they used to be.
  15. Cats

    ....Now what?

    this is how everyone looks after a succesful run though balota. Now what you ask? Go to a server with 30+ players and see what happens when you come near an airstrip.
  16. Cats


  17. Cats


    I'd say buy Android but okay :P the difference betweed 4 & 5 is not really worth the extra 200... So go with 4 or wait till 6 comes out and buy 5 for a fair price.
  18. Cats

    Character Slots?

    Well, the whole game is about having just one character. Would kinda ruin it, huh?
  19. Cats

    Doffing ones cap

    Well... kill him or not, this actually IS a good idea.
  20. Cats

    Guitar and bonfire

    Reminds me of the good old STALKER days. Get out of here, Stalker!
  21. Cats

    Killed by zombie horde in no-man's-land

    I need screenshots of this D:
  22. Cats


    That is north of balota airfield in the apartments.
  23. Cats


    I was stuck in/under a building once and managed to get out by pressing 'V' at the doorstep, might work?
  24. Cats

    Sticks + rope = shooting sticks

    yes, but they will not be in the (near) future, so lets put this idea on the shelf untill then :)