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Everything posted by GeneralAiron

  1. I have the arma II free and operation arrowhead and i downloaded just worroms dayz updater. When i launch the game it says "Addon 'Dayz anim' requires addon 'CA_Dubbing_Counterattack'" and then "No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/citizen1.scope". When i try to join servers it just say "You can't play/edit this mission; its dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.Chernaus" Can somebody say what i need to do? Sorry for my bad english.
  2. GeneralAiron

    Need help... deleted chernaus

    Somebody said i can use arma II free and oa and play dayz. I know that if i buy the arma i've get hd graphics and something shit like that, but now i cant even play the dayz
  3. GeneralAiron

    Do i need Combined ops?

    Can i play DayZ if i use Arma II free and then buy an op arrowhead from steam and then download dayZ install Tool? Reason I: don't want to buy combined ops, coz i want to play just dayZ, not arma II. Reason 2: I dont want to buy combined ops for 30euros to play JUST Dayz and at the december buy the DayZ for about 15euros. I'm sorry for my verry bad english...
  4. GeneralAiron

    Do i need Combined ops?

    <Thanks for good and FAST answers :D