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Everything posted by Matchstick556

  1. Matchstick556

    Wow... i really cant believe it.

    I had that happen to me last night too. I was in elektro and was watching a sniper with a ghillie suit and CZ550 bouncing from spot to spot. Once he got to my building, I took one shot with the Lee-Enfield and as soon as his body hit the floor it started to disappear as if he was "hiding" his own body. His name was Skeeter.
  2. Matchstick556

    Why do you survivors kill me? I'm a hero!

    I've been killed by survivors more than bandits. No one seems to want to group up or understand that there's safety in numbers. I have no choice now but kill everyone unless they first say they are friendly and prove they are. I would suggest not running up to the survivor right after you say you're friendly. You want to make sure they heard you and you don't want to startle them. If you came to me and said that, I would've told you to stop where you were until I asked a few questions or I would've shot you too. No offense and I appreciate you trying to help, but it's a dog-eat-dog world out there.
  3. Matchstick556

    First Bandit Kill

    In the bandit forum there is a thread talking about their first murders. I felt the need to add my two cents considering I feel I'm not the only one that despises them. Anyone remember their first bandit killed? Here's my story. After breaking my leg, having no morphine available and being alone, I decided to let Zed make lunch of me. Upon respawning near Elektro, I hauled rear to the north side to scavenge the grocery store. On my way there, I found a hatchet in a barn. Picking it up, I ignored the feeling of a possible luck streak coming way. I managed to dodge the zombies on my way to the supermarket and ran in through the front door. To my predicted dismay, there was a bandit sitting behind the counter with a Lee-Enfield. As he took a shot at me, I ran out of his sight to the far side of the store and yelled "Friendly" but he just laughed at me. I could hear the flies of a dead survivor in the back room who I assumed he killed. Fortunately, zombies started coming in the back and forced him to exit the building. Even though zombies were now after him, he kept trying to find me but I managed to hide in the front of the store. After about 30 seconds I watched him retreat and head down an alley. I continued to loot the store cautiously and was in the back, smallest room. I positioned my screen to watch the main, rear area in case he came back while I was fiddling with my gear. Sure enough, he snuck back in. He came to the opening of my little room and stopped then turned around. Squeezing my ax with white-knuckle grip I immediately used the opportunity to attack. I swung multiple times and hit him. He swung around and shot but somehow missed. Being 1 foot in front of him I kept swinging as fast as I could. To my advantage he backed up into a shelf and couldn't retreat. After a few more swings, he fell to the ground before getting off another shot. I must say, my adrenaline was pumping and I was exstatic that he was dead. Even better, I looted all the basics I needed to survive and was well off. Who's laughing now?! From then on, I take every advantage I can to take out bandits whenever my one-man-band finds them. They are heartless people (or just bored) and deserve death, imo. They prey on poor survivors who spend countless hours managing to survive just to have it taken away from someone who kills survivors for fun. Maybe I will form a resistance... any ideas on names?
  4. Matchstick556

    First Bandit Kill

    Ha, great story DirtyLyle! I would've had a beer and smoke after that too. Anyone else?
  5. Good video. Note though, with a small number of bushes you just have to go prone in them.
  6. Matchstick556

    I need help

    Good luck getting help. Anyone that isn't armed to the teeth won't make it up there and anyone that is already there probably doesn't want you there either.
  7. Matchstick556

    graphical glitches?

    It only happens to me when I near areas with dead, NPC bodies. More specifically, airports and military places where there are dead military personnel. If it is in my way then I just move to a different server.
  8. Matchstick556

    First Bandit Kill

    Awesome story, Mayuyu! Congrats on making an ally. It's unfortunate that he is having that skin issue but it sounds like he understood. :thumbsup: