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Everything posted by Tyratops

  1. Tyratops

    I have literally no idea what the fuck is going on here but I like it.
  2. Tyratops

    The "Friendly!" Experiment

    Weird, a few weeks ago, I logged out in the ACT on NWA one night and when I played again the next day, I logged into a blown up ACT. :P
  4. I think it's hinting for you to use them.. I generally get M14's..
  5. Tyratops

    Voices!!! Gave Me Goosebumps

    The other day I was up at the NW airfield (looting north barracks) and I kept hearing npc voices, my stats were fine, I was the only one online and I wasn't doing anything except moving around. Weirded me the fuck out.
  6. Tyratops

    Underrated Weapons

    I personally prefer the various AK74s, sure it's damage isn't the best but it's audible range is low and that is one of the most important things for me. Common ammo, simple to use, 1-2 hits on a zombie - suits me down to the ground.
  7. Tyratops

    Why is the M14 so overlooked?

    Carrying one at the moment, but I don't really use it. Too loud for me (180m?).
  8. Tyratops

    Humanity should reset at death

    I can see the problem with it, but I'm not sure a simple reset is right either. Perhaps it should halve your humanity towards 0. So if you were on -50000, you then become -25000, so obviously you still need to put in a lot of work (which I think is important) to prove you want to be a hero. It also prevents someone from suiciding as the discount becomes less effective the closer you get to 0.
  9. Tyratops

    Middle age men who play Dayz

    What are you doing looking at a hamster's beans?
  10. It's the Goats that weird me the fuck out.
  11. Tyratops

    Pistol Preferences

    PDW due to larger clip sizes and takes shitloads of ammo types.
  12. Tyratops

    What are your best experiences with BANDITS?

    I found a bandit with flies buzzing around him, probably my best experience with one.
  13. Tyratops

    What is your favorite gun to use and why?

    I like the AK74 (any variant) because 1-2 shots, relatively low audible range and I prefer their sights. I also enjoyed the Bizon whilst I had ammo for it.
  14. Tyratops

    Rarest weapon you've found?

    Unless people go around hitting others over the back of the head with NVGs, Rangefinders etc, I'm pretty sure these items aren't weapons.
  15. Tyratops

    Military Cache

    Only if the supply crate can kill a player if it lands on them.
  16. Tyratops

    AS50 or SVD camo

    Fashion > Function
  17. Tyratops

    Swinko is a fag, all should hunt him

    Surely he means an American biker gang member?
  19. Tyratops

    What Is you'r View on the crossbow?

    Would probably work better if the bolt goes into the zombies inventory rather than having to pick it up and risk losing it if the zombie falls on it. I think for gameplay purposes it would be better off as a sidearm.
  20. Tyratops

    G17 vs AKM

    9 AKM bullets seems a bit excessive
  21. Tyratops

    Debug monitor will be gone in 1.7.3 !

    For me it's gotten to the point that it would feel weird not to reload them :P Reminds me of the shotgun shovel scene in Scary Movie 3.
  22. Tyratops

    Death by wife

    Kiss you "goodbye"?! Well played wifey, well played.