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Everything posted by Frostbyte_

  1. Frostbyte_

    Weapon Flashlights and map

    Map is viewed by putting it in your hotbar and pressing the corresponding number, same nubmer again takes you away from map (or alternatively esc). You need RIS handle for m4 to attach weapons flsahlight, can´t attach to pistol.
  2. Frostbyte_

    Nalgene Bottles + Advanced Inventory Management

    I´ve seen them in prettymuch every type of residential spawn, most oftne i´ve foudn them in houses (most likely because nobody acutaly checks all the houses like me) <edit> the yellow cases that is
  3. Frostbyte_

    So Sacriel trolled everyone?

    A streamer, who despite being friend of Rocket, does not work on the game nor for BI, and thus should not be relied to provide official information.
  4. Can´t use full syringes though.
  5. Frostbyte_

    Ruined items after PvP

    The game needs a proper ways to explore social interactions in the situations game places us in...and killing/getting killed for lulz doesn´t count. If there ever is a point where one feels more compelled to keep their character alive than to charge in with an axe in hopes of atleast dealing some damage to possible robber, then i say this game has succeeded to provide authentic survival situation.
  6. I haven´t found a way to administer anything from those vials, and most likely that wouldn´t help with any actual disease, the bottle says it´s sodiumbikarbonate, aka baking powder. At most it could help in case of acidosis from chemical poisoning or other sources.
  7. Frostbyte_

    "Mosin" and "M4" accuracy test

    You didn´t deploy the bipod, and thus gained no benefit from it Mao. Deploying the bipod increases accuracy a lot. Did a test shooting zombies and checking distances from map, all from prone, tried out both of the ironsights (they were identical), with and without bipod. Ris handguard, normal buttstock all pristine. 200~m i was able to hit zeds reliably with or without bipod. 300~m was total gamble without bipod, but reliable with one. 300+m was doable but unreliable, even with bipod. Bigest problem i found when hitting 300m or above, was that i had to crank down my fov to very uncomfortable values to even see the damn targets. <edit> i will try to edit small video when i have time. <edit2> Since theres no info on weapons themselves yet, i don´t think we can draw completely conclusive tehories atm, might be some are shooting damaged weapons while others use pristine ones.
  8. Frostbyte_

    Getting sick from using Alcohol on wounds

    Almost all the things that can cure something make you sick if you´re completely fine. It´s just a bug though, and doesn´t have any adverse effects (or barely any), also it´s being looked into as far as i know.
  9. How is anyone getting sick? Do you perhaps gobble up every rotten vegetable you can find and wash it down with bleach? Or maybe you try to kill zombies by making out with them? -Wells are clean atm, so are all the canteens, and soda cans. -Canned food never gives you any sickness, nor do fresh fruits -antibiotics(and other medical supplies) are rather common, if people would just be arsed to enter residential buildings. Head inland, find a town that isn´t looted every 2 mintues by a new spawn, profit.
  10. Frostbyte_

    Attaching map peices

    It works. However, you need either S and N pieces, or E and W. Smaller pieces need two common things, for example SW and NW form W, and SW and SE from south. Combining small pieces without common direction doesn´t work (for example, SE and NW doesn´t work) and combining small piece to a half of a map doesn´t work either ( for example, E and SW doesn´t work) Combining works simply by draggin one piece to another and selecting combine.
  11. Frostbyte_

    got sick off charcoal

    Anything that cures sickness makes you sick atm, even if you´re not actualy sick. Mostly it´s harmless and goes away, but if you have sickness already and take wrong type of cure, it propably displays the sickness as worse than before trying to cure it.
  12. Frostbyte_

    Ate antibiotics - have orange sick indicator.

    Eating antibiotics, cleaning wounds with alcohol etc, will cause sickness status to pop up, despite your character not actualy being sick. It doesn´t however give any adverse effects, and will go away with time. During the time you have the "sickness", you will get text saying "your wounds look cleaner" etc. untill you get the text stating that "your wounds are clean" and the sickness goes away. Characters moaning despite taking pills is a bug i believe. I had it twice and both times changing server after consuming painkillers seemed to help. Also taking morphine removes it instantly without need to change server. -Disinfectant spray seemingly curing the thing is propably just coincidence, the sickness ended by itself about the time you did the disinfectant i think.
  13. Military areas are littered with m4 mags full of ammo. I had opportunity to go through unlooted NWAF and i had 600 odd rounds before i got interrupted bit more than halfway through.
  14. Frostbyte_

    Suggestions: Binocular Idea

    Rocket has said he wants that in.
  15. Instead of going for a refund you could jsut let the game mature for a bit, and check in again, i have no doubt that later on in the developement the new player experience will be much more refined. And by that i mean it will still propably hit most people like a brick slapped into your face, but atleast it´s nice new and shiny brick by then.
  16. It´s propably better to just shelve the game, wait about a year and see the improvements. Since it seems you didn´t read any of the warnings telling you not to buy, this really is just barely functioning, bare bones early as f*'ck alpha.
  17. Frostbyte_

    how to use cooking pot??

    I´ve managed to attach atelast medium and large canisters to a cooker, so i think they´re just different amounts of gas really.
  18. Frostbyte_

    how to use cooking pot??

    Not yet implemented i think. If it is however, i´d think you´d need either fire, or gas cooker, and then use the pot on it.
  19. Frostbyte_


    On the coast yea, you´ll see it pretty far away, looks amazing too.
  20. Frostbyte_

    Ideas on game improvment

    Isn´t that in the mod area though?
  21. Frostbyte_

    stackable items and wearing clothes over the other

    If rags stacked above 6 they´d actualy be far superior to any bandages in game right now, given that you have disinfectant and sterile bandages(the med kit version has 4 uses) don´t have any hidden modifiers going for them. To be honest i´d wish they reduced the stack to 4 or 3 to make medical bandages better. As for papers, pens etc- they´ll propably make us be able to stack them soon enough, i hope. T-shirst and hoodies take the same slot, and because there´s clipping issues etc. they haven´t made us able to wear more than 1 shirt as of now.
  22. Frostbyte_

    Misc. items

    I think they are working on it, definately planning it atleast.
  23. Frostbyte_


    North of berezino is one.
  24. Frostbyte_

    Blood types

    Doubt it, defeats the point of blood tests after first one you use. At most they´ll increase the spawnrate of those kits.
  25. Mosins have spawned in schools, tech buildings, fire stations, cars, railway stations (enterable ones), military spawns and in the nig ship wreck north of berezino for me this far. Long range scopes i´ve found on top of a school and in military spawns. Mosin ammo can be just about everywhere.