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About lukepker

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. lukepker


    Yo, me and a friend of mine are looking to join a DayZ group, we've been in groups before, but sadly dispanded, add me on skype or steam: Lukepker I applied before but I ended up going into surgery the next day, so I forgot to check, but if you add me on steam, i'll be on.
  2. lukepker


    Yo me and my mate are looking for a DayZ group to play with, we've been playing dayz for a few months and have been in a squad before, both from uk, both 18+, from England and Wales, played a lot of Operation Arrowhead too.
  3. You didn't buy DayZ, retard. And installing DayZ isn't hard, you just need to drag and drop some files.
  4. lukepker

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Too bad Battlefield 3 is utter shite.
  5. lukepker

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I don't understand why Rocket doesn't just remove the dead bodies which cause artifacting.
  6. Same problem, rocket needs see to this quickly, game is becomming unplayable.
  7. lukepker

    Vehicles & Tents not saving on

    I'm getting the same thing mate, on servers aswell, wish Rocket would fix the tents/vehicles database, game is pretty much unplayable at the moment, me and my squad will spend an entire day repairing a chopper/gathering loot and setting up a camp, only for it to be removed after a restart, its horseshit. What server are you on by the way?