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Posts posted by Deathpony321

  1. Thanks for replying, but there is even more weirdness now.

    I was just minding my own business and everyone got teleported to the same place and started killing each other.

    So I went on different server and the controls went really weird like i couldn't turn and I was in a town and no zombies were interested in me at all. I was basically king of the zombies but got shot by someone.

    So I resurrect again and find an axe, looking for people to kill all of a sudden my character starts breakdancing out of no where it was really odd and I had no control of my character until I went on another server.

    This game is so addictive but so strange at the same time. GRRR

  2. Firstly, it's hard to find a server that works, most kick me off because I have an invalid version or something and I have the latest version. There are servers that work so I can live.

    When I first started playing there was weird cows spawning from the sky. I have no idea what was happening then some guy killed me with an automatic weapon.

    I figured out its easy to get my zombies if I prone and got some supplies and an axe and killed 6 people before I got owned by some zombies. It sounded like some random kid was crying I have no idea how to talk back it was really weird I assume it was another person. He was complaining that his character survived for 20 hours or something and begging me to let him live I don't know.

    Some towns have no enterable buildings that I could see, all buildings need to be enterable even if you need an axe to break down the door otherwise its just weird having locked buildings in a zombie apoc.

    There needs to be more supplies outside of buildings.

    I got an Enfield? it is some rifle and just shooting random players, it was alot of fun. I think I will buy this game when it comes standalone just so i can be a serial killer in game. It made moving from town to town alot more fun because I was always watching for players.

    I joined a server where people were constantly dieing according to the messages then I just exploded with ringing in my ears so I guess someone was nuking us all with grenades from my guess.

    I also broke bones by moving into buildings and you go from prone to standing weirdly sometimes and it just attracts zombies.

    I have some karate kick move thing that can not hurt other people or zombies but put me over low fences. It just feels very awkard how the animation plays out I can't put my finger on why. Also shooting with guns is weird like I can't shoot while moving backwards. Also I can reload an axe.

    I also logged out the game once with about 6000 blood and a bunch of items. I log in to get 12000 blood again and some of my items missing which was weird.

    This game has very great potential and I hope this game lives upto it. I know it's a prealpha but I had a lot of fun with it, keep it up guys and I'm sure this will be a great game!.

    I guess the meaning of this topic is I have a few questions...

    I can't drink from lakes without a water bottle, is there a way to do this? Whiskey bottle doesnt work.

    Do I die if the food symbol in the bottom right starts flashing red?, I think it should make my screen go funny but not die for weeks.

    Is there a way to look behind you without turning around? I want the epicness of being chased by zombies.
