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Everything posted by thunderpimp

  1. thunderpimp

    DayZ at "149 FPS"

    Most servers I've tested stop rendering players at 900meters.
  2. This is by far the best server I've played on. Very good owner and admin group. If you want some fun clan battles, this is the place. The best part is that you don't have everyone with super high end gear, it is a good mix.
  3. Our group currently operates in and Admins an active server, Burningsilicon. The owner may be shutting the server down this month. We are looking for West coast hosted server with plenty of vehicles and preferably no L85/AS50. We also prefer veteran settings.
  4. thunderpimp

    Private Hive Zobgaming.Net Epoch

    Our group may be interested if the server is West Coast based. We have a few Austalian players.
  5. thunderpimp

    Is your cdkey being wasted?

    Cheaters crack me up.
  6. thunderpimp


    We loot crash sites and give scrub rides from kamenka in our chopper.
  7. Look, a COD kiddie pretending to sound intelligent.
  8. hahahaha hahaha..... Right.....
  9. thunderpimp

    Strange Happening

    Admins can't just make you die. Sounds like a script kiddie getting revenge, but maybe you will think twice before you KOS. I have had hackers who were killing people actually befriend me for showing kindness.
  10. thunderpimp

    New Hero Group [NOT CLAN]

    You must be out of breath.
  11. thunderpimp

    Kids. Kids everywhere.

    I call bad parenting. No good parent should allow their children to play a game like this, especially with the attitude and language of the players on chat enabled servers. That is on top of the violence and adult theme of the game.
  12. It was a couple days ago, named US West coast. It has the same name, you may want to look into changing the name.
  13. The server I posted isn't mine, but they are running a bunch of specialized scripts that even ban you for picking up a hacked weapon. I have not seen a hacker in three days.
  14. DayZ @ BurningSilicon. It is not passworded, but I have only seen one hacker since I've been playing on the server. It is a private Hive, give it a shot.
  15. The guy was obviously a scripter/cheater. I have noticed a lot of hacker remorse lately. After being shot off of my dirt bike, a hacker. Then brought it to me, fixed it, and filled it with gas. He then gave me his M14. This was after a different hacker felt bad for killing me, so he gave me his dirt bike and G36 SD. Seriously don't know hat the deal is lately.
  16. thunderpimp

    Murder Montage :D 64 Murders

    Why don't you make a video of you walking up to defenseless babies in a stroller and kicking them over? ... bagge de douche
  17. thunderpimp

    Get ArmA 2 or wait for Standalone DayZ?

    Buy Arma II and play the mod if you don't mind dying to hackers every gaming session, sometimes several times.... Losing all your progress and gear.
  18. thunderpimp

    Murder Montage :D 64 Murders

    This is why I hunt people that sit on a hill and snipe...
  19. One out of five times in helping someone, did they not kill me as soon as I had my back turned. Rule of thumb, help someone and get the hell away from them. Never let them tag along with you, it will get you a chunk of hot metal in your back.
  20. thunderpimp

    that thing more rare then a mountain dew

    I have four mags, what you have to offer?
  21. thunderpimp

    Hacker Messed My Game Up

    I think this method actually randomly spawns you on the coast, I've tested it a couple times.
  22. thunderpimp

    Hiding bodies a Dick move?

    I not only hide bodies, if I find guns in a city, I'll go toss them in a bush just so no one else gets them.