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Everything posted by thunderpimp

  1. From what I can see, there are players all converging on this mod with their own ideas of what it was going to be. I see there are some EVE online players, maybe WOW and other MMORPG players, and probably quite a few FPS players like Battlefield. I used to be a Battlefield player before they butchered the series into a COD clone. I did only purchase ARMA 2 for this mod because I was not around when Arma II was released, I was on an extended vacation. By the time I was back in the world, ARMA 2 was old, and ARMA 3 was on the horizon, which I am definetly looking forward to. I bought ARMA for this mod only, because of the open sandbox gameplay, and I've adapted to the game very well. I am curious as to what games players have played prior to this and what stance they take on the direction they want this game to go. The players I have run into that are friendly, just gave off that WOW player vibe. Do the friendlier players tend to be those from the MMORPG genre? Are the more agressive players coming from games like EVE online and Battlefield? I am just curious to know what game you came from and what type of player you are. Does your taste affect your style of gameplay in DayZ?
  2. thunderpimp

    Why you should never trust an unarmed man...

    You probably just freaked the 12 year old kid out and scarred him for life. By the way, I was the one that put those three DMR shots in him, it takes two to kill and one to compensate for lag.
  3. thunderpimp

    Looted a G36CSD (camo) off a body?

    No you wont get banned, but give it a couple days. You will get reset to the coast and lose all gear when you log in. This is confirmed. Come back when you get the gender selection screen.
  4. thunderpimp

    game frozen , ctrl + alt + suppr + close process = no more gear

    I don't know, we ran Into some hackers and killed them yesterday. They had dmr's and satchel charges. They proceeded to kill the whole server minutes later with the satchel charges. I picked two of them up not knowing they weren't ordinary charges. Days before saw a guy spawn in an ammo crate above elektro, my friends killed two snipers with AS50 TWS and picked them up not knowing they were not in the game or hacked in. Found some golden ak in a tent too. So many hacks and hacked in items, there is no way to know unless you come to the forums to research.
  5. thunderpimp

    game frozen , ctrl + alt + suppr + close process = no more gear

    Yeah, you lose everything.
  6. thunderpimp

    game frozen , ctrl + alt + suppr + close process = no more gear

    My source is, I know a couple guys who picked up fishy items off a couple snipers the other day. When they logged back in, it was as if they had does. It asked them to select gender, all gear gone. One of the items you had was hacked into the game probably. This is the only explanation I could come up with. None of us died, we all logged off safe.
  7. thunderpimp

    game frozen , ctrl + alt + suppr + close process = no more gear

    You were carrying something on your character that was not supposed to be in the game.
  8. thunderpimp

    game frozen , ctrl + alt + suppr + close process = no more gear

    Did you have to choose gender when you logged back in?
  9. thunderpimp

    So still no (wearable) ghillie??

    Two of my friends put one on yesterday with all their gear. It worked fine. Are you sure you were on the same server version that your client is running?
  10. thunderpimp

    Pending Update: Build

    Rocket, on all servers I've been playing on, player and zombie bodies are not being cleaned up. After a few hours of bodies piling up, it becomes desynced and unplayable.
  11. To all the guys out there who want to live in peace with your fellow brother. You friendly bro? .did you ever stop to think about the people we kill? It's always those who tell us to live together in harmony and try to love one another. Jesus, Gandhi, Lincoln, John Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, Malcolm X, John Lennon. They all said live together in harmony... BAM! Right in the head. Apparently we aren't ready for that yet. - George Carlin
  12. thunderpimp

    Hackers following my clan members.

    You want people to investigate for you? We as the community are supposed to provide proof, screenshots, video... something for them to warrant an investigation. If they looked into every hackusation on the forums, they would go crazy. We have to help them out man. For instance, last night on a US Dallas server, I saw a guy hack in an ammo crate and dig through it to find an MK48, but I did not record it or take a screenshot, so no point in posting about it. I just killed him.
  13. thunderpimp

    Fun with Scripting

    Although I would never do this, I think it's hilarious if you do it only in the situation you describe. You will eventually be banned, too bad. Good to know a vigilante is our there protecting us regular folk. The rest of you are hypocrites, as if you never do anything wrong, jeez.
  14. I took a vs3 from Dallas 217 last week in the woods.
  15. thunderpimp

    Heli crash site mechanics

    Positive. I grabbbed two FNs earlier tossed them in a tent. Went back 15 minutes later and two more where there. Took those two and tossed them to the side, two more spawned. This was just yesterday.
  16. I have all three of those, camo, as50, and an L85 AWS.
  17. thunderpimp

    Heli crash site mechanics

    Yes, loot does respawn. You pick up all the loot, put it in your pack. Come back later and new loot will be there.
  18. thunderpimp

    95208 "connecting failed"

    I am also getting this issue on servers that I was using earlier today. I was on them, then when I tried to connect later, I could not get on. It is not all 95208 servers though. It seems to be random. Out of ten servers I try running 95208, I can connect to half of them. The other half get "Joining", then "connecting failed".
  19. thunderpimp

    Can i run DayZ

    The "m" is for mobile, so yes he is.
  20. thunderpimp

    Why you should never trust an unarmed man...

    What made you come up with that as a distraction?
  21. thunderpimp

    Why you should never trust an unarmed man...

    Too gay, didn't read.
  22. thunderpimp

    Choppers? Thought they were taken out? hmm

    It was on US 52.
  23. thunderpimp

    Watching a Helicopter Crash

    Saw three choppers on US 52 yesterday. They are still around.
  24. thunderpimp

    Military Offroads Missing in 1.7.2?

    I stole one on US 52 yesterday. Patch
  25. thunderpimp

    Are Helicopters going to be added again?

    My boy actually got video. I'll get it up when I get home. One was being piloted by a guy named 800d, who we just killed an hour earlier and stole his jeep. Go to us 52 if you want to see choppers hang out in elektro.