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Everything posted by thunderpimp

  1. This does not show everything either. SexyDragon was flying the chopper at first which I didn't record. His gunner kills my friend BAC on the ground in the middle of the night. As he tries to land, I take to the hills. Then I go downhill toward the chopper and within seconds SexyDragon, the pilot is up the hill behind me. I headshot him, which is the only way to kill a hacker. Then seconds later Im killed by an invisible player with the same gun. So we head back to Elektro and after SexyDragon disappears, he appears next to BAC again and kills him, which he didn't record. He never left the server when he disappeared either. I don't think I landed a headshot on SexyDragon the second time, so it did not kill him. We both leave the server, I come back and everything is on fire. This happened all within 15 minutes or so.
  2. thunderpimp

    looking for people who want to group up

    You and your buddy have a chopper alright... So when did you start hacking?
  3. Your server was taken over tonight between the hours of 1-2 am CST. The cheaters were players SexyDragon and [ballz]JeSusDesBites. They spawned in a chopper to start off, here is the video showing some of their shenanigans. The chopper they spawned in was invincible as we shot it full of AS50 Nato rounds and it remained undamaged. They then followed us to US 1963 Dallas before we called it quits. I am sure they were quite raged that I killed them despite their invincibility and teleports with headshots.
  4. thunderpimp

    US217 Dallas [SAS] Hackers. [Video]

    Damn Canadians.
  5. If someone has your CD key, it is probably a hacker. They can play with it anytime you are not on the game and do whatever they want with your character. If someone got your key, it was most likely by you trying to download a cheat program for the game that was actually a key stealer.
  6. thunderpimp

    Global Ban #3065 :(

    Downloaded a fake hack with the intentions of cheating. Got banned before you actually had the chance to cheat. Came on the forums to cry. Sad story bro.
  7. thunderpimp

    Im having trouble understanding this....

    You still lose humanity by killing bandits. My group only kills well armed players/ bandits and my humanity is -200,000k. You just deal with it.
  8. Is it wrong to shoot heavily armed groups of players without question? I think not.
  9. Duping takes all of the fun out of getting gear. I prefer killing the dupers.
  10. We don't even have the same gear...
  11. He was covering with the DMR and shooting the guys feet under the crack of the bottom of the bus. Pretty hard shot.
  12. I don't get it. All of our stuff is legit.
  13. thunderpimp

    What is a Bandit

    I have bandit skin... From killing bandits. Makes no sense.
  14. thunderpimp

    BattleEye Banned on US1360

    So you are saying you did cheat, but you would like them to prove it?
  15. thunderpimp

    Why can't two prone guys shoot each other?

    There is something called zeroing on your rifle. Appears no one was using it.
  16. thunderpimp

    Setting up a tent

    They seem to be broken this patch. They saved all my stuff from before the patch, but when I make new ones or try to save new items in old tents, it does not save. All the tents I have set up and filled with this patch come back empty on several server restarts. I'm not sure what's wrong with them. Do a test before you use a tent for valuable items by placing regular things in them and see of they save.
  17. There is hope, not everyone is like this: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/75907-its-time-we-give-new-players-a-better-experience-video/#entry720344
  18. thunderpimp

    Hive Down?

    Me and my friend cannot join also.
  19. Why block out your name, etc? Seems legit.
  20. A nice little video that shows us helping a new player, who appears to be mute. We show him the ropes, get him geared up, commit grand theft auto, and he's even introduced to hackers at the end. This clip has everything compressed from one gaming session.
  21. The place with the biggest wave of new spawns seems to be Elektro. When I spawn, it is 70% in a place near Elektro, or a short distance from it. It's also an attraction for high tier players that come down to snipe these guys for no reason. All we did was scope out the town until we noticed a survivor, then we swooped in to help, not knowing what to expect. As you can hear from the flies all around, we were in dangerous territory, which makes it all the more exciting. I wouldn't say we are better, we did get pretty lucky that night. We also tried to tell halvo how to type in direct chat, but we don't even think he could speak english, maybe he understood it because he shook his character yes or no answering some questions.
  22. By the way, this video does not show everything. A lot of the stuff was cut out to make it shorter. These three guys were not random, they drove to a Elektro in a fully geared out Ural and fired on other people in Elektro before we eliminated them. These guys on sniper hill came for blood, but go their own. On approaching the vehicle we gave them a chance to comply with orders, and they fired on Wreckshop who had his leg broken and was bleeding before he returned fire.
  23. To me it is way more of a challenge doing this than just killing fresh spawns. I love defending guys against the sniper teams in the hills, good fun. This is my first video, so it's not great. You really have to approach new players with the advantage and assure them you are there to help. Gear them up first to show you trust them. I have yet to be killed doing this. I wish more players would shoot as a last resort. That is unless you come to Elektro with a geared up Ural, you are asking for a bullet from me.