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Everything posted by thunderpimp

  1. thunderpimp

    Hiding bodies a Dick move?

    How is it a dick move preventing high tier dupers from getting their gear right back? Go to your dupe tents and gear back up like everyone else who's been playing for more than a month.
  2. thunderpimp

    Looking For Indian Players in Dayz

    I have more than two holes.
  3. thunderpimp

    Looking For Indian Players in Dayz

    I'm half Cherokee, half black, half Filipino, and half Uzbekistanian... Can we game?
  4. Did you get a PC just to play this mod perhaps?
  5. thunderpimp

    M14 or DMR

    M14 if you stick to forest or towns, DMR for open terrain. Why not carry both?
  6. thunderpimp

    Looted G36C-SD from a tent.

    I got banned from a server for having a radio... I picked it up off of a guy the other day, but I thought they were actually in the game.
  7. 22.316 which happened during this story with Mike. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/69524-mike-on-us-2135-dallas-the-beast-of-cherno/
  8. Did he at least use lube and protection when he raped you?
  9. thunderpimp

    M4A1 CCO unsilenced?

    I found both a m4a1 cco, and m4a3 cco in the firehouses of Elektro yesterday.
  10. thunderpimp

    US129 dallas admin abuse

    I was just on that server and there was definitely hacking going on. Every Dallas based server we were on was hacked tonight. Every person we killed in the hills over Elektro was geared out with AS50 TWS. One was on a motorcycle with a red nametag, spawn crates by the Firehouse/Plant. It was ridiculous.
  11. ...and Canadian. You will notice his ping to a Dallas server is over 100, which is about right for a Canadian player. http://dayzmod.com/f...226-sexydragon/ Look at his post here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/78503-looking-for-people-who-want-to-group-up/#entry742643 Him and his friend have a chopper indeed.
  12. I have a suggestion for these script kiddies. IF YOU ARE BORED WITH THE GAME THEN DON'T FUCKING PLAY IT. Go bang your head against the wall or play in traffic. Why ruin a great game for everyone because your life sucks and you are doomed to a life of lonliness?
  13. thunderpimp

    Never try to kill hackers

    You need to shoot them in the head/face. I killed cheaters twice yesterday doing this.
  14. thunderpimp

    L85A2 aws glitch?

    Next time I get the glitch, I will record and post here. It may will happen before tomorrow...
  15. There is nothing in this game more fun than killing and outsmarting cheaters.
  16. What happened to real men and integrity.
  17. Seriously dude? The guy was hacking and not engaging me in gunfire. I left before he ghosted in on me. If that deserves a ban, I will get banned from every server because I will do it every time. I'll be damned if I get killed twice by the same cheater in a row.
  18. The admin to the server is a forum member. His name is iHax. His message box must be full because I can't send one. The server message says to contact him in case of cheats.
  19. thunderpimp

    L85A2 aws glitch?

    There is a glitch where the L85 has 4 scope versions. One is normal, one black/white thermal, one orange/yellow thermal, and one nightvision. It happens to me at least once a day when I play.
  20. Yeah I don't understand how it exploded because BAC got in the chopper earlier and said after taking massive fire from his AS50, it was unhurt. No Damage, all green. It was invulnerable to gunfire.
  21. Thanks, I just picked it up off of a scrub on US 2127 earlier yesterday. Pretty good at killing Zombies. The SexyDragon has it now, oh well. What is not conclusive about the guy disappearing several times, but still having a blue icon as though he's in the game? He did not disconnect, yet he Disappears twice. I go to the server menu right after, it is clear.
  22. Here is a tad of evidence: http://dayzmod.com/f...up/#entry742643
  23. Dude, we found hackers, we didn't give up. We decided to harrass and kill, get some evidence. Come on here and post solid evidence of cheats, and people want to bitch. The guy even spells his name in game SexyDragon, caps beginning both words. I can't believe you people. No wonder hackers run rampant. I am not butthurt, I killed them both. Why would I come here and lie? Trolls gonna troll. We go on random servers, don't check the settings, but you are correct sir.
  24. Because I didnt have "record windows sound" checked on my fraps. That doesn't even matter, you see the gunshots land all around me on full auto and no one is there.