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parkour genius

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About parkour genius

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    Melbourne, AUS
  • Interests
    Basketball, Photography, Gaming

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    this is my dayz
  1. parkour genius

    How's the hacker status of DayZ?

    been playing private hives for about 2 weeks now. we have a camp, 4 cars, spare weapons ect. ect. that good old classic dayz feel
  2. Because when they script nuke the server, you still have time to altf4 right?
  3. No hacking, and it's all gravy
  4. parkour genius

    Pending Update: Build

    Battle-eye is horrid. Hackers ruin this game. +1 on hive wipe.
  5. parkour genius

    DayZ not playable anymore

    I've been playing for about 2 weeks now and i've literally never even seen an accessible vehicle, until today. So i spent ages rebuilding and refueling and i finally got it running and i was so ecstatic. Happiest moment on DayZ to date. About 10 minutes into driving my first car i stopped about 1000m outside of cherno in the hills behind and a hacker spawns in front of me and he's just laughing in direct chat. He then precedes to empty an AKM mag into me and my car killing me and destroying my vehicle. Safe to say something should be done about this ASAP. I love DayZ and i forgive so much because it is only an Alpha but something needs to be done sooner rather than later.
  6. parkour genius

    Day Z Wallpapers

    Made this a minute ago 1366 x 768 http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x111/GangstaGrilllz/DAYZ8.jpg