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97ADU Vendetta

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Everything posted by 97ADU Vendetta

  1. 97ADU Vendetta

    Trading for a Bicycle

    Its difficult to trade vehicles seeing as they are tied to the server in which they are found. What server region do you play on?
  2. 97ADU Vendetta

    Survivor looking for a team

    Check my signature :)
  3. 97ADU Vendetta


    Check my sig. :)
  4. 97ADU Vendetta

    97ADU Is Recruiting!

    Thats no problem. Please check your PM's when you get the chance.
  5. 97ADU Vendetta

    Clan Needed - Free Agent - Marksman

    The 97th ADU highly recommends this player. An outstanding player, and a great person, Sleepy is the kind of guy that you want watching your back when things get rough. Good luck Sleepy!
  6. 97ADU Vendetta

    Looking for a group

    Check out the link in my signature, it sounds like you will fit in well.
  7. 97ADU Vendetta

    Looking for people to team up with. I'm in UK.

    If you are looking for a larger group, check out the 97ADU. Link is in my sig for more info.
  8. 97ADU Vendetta

    Looking To Join/Create A Squad/Group

    Check out the link in my sig. We are a medium to large clan that is a contingent of the Coalition. Read the thread in my sig for more details.
  9. 97ADU Vendetta

    97ADU Is Recruiting!

    What age range would you say the majority of you Clan is? Like older or younger? The majority of our members are in the 15 - 25 age bracket, but we have a huge range of ages, from 14 through 42. And was does "97ADU" mean? The 97th Australian Dental Unit. It is named after a former regiment of the Imperial Camel Corps. The ADU consisted of four men in WWII. We named it this partly as a joke and partly to honor the Australians and New Zealanders that served on the dental front of WWII that go unnoticed by popular culture. Also what time zone is your clan? We have no particular 'time zone' we have a wide spread of members ranging from west coast Americans, New Zealanders and Australians from all three time zones. Keep the questions coming!
  10. 97ADU Vendetta

    97ADU Is Recruiting!

    Thinking of applying BUT, how many players are usually on your primary server your Clan plays on? Usually ~30/40 at peak hours Do you play on a Private server/hive or? Nope, hive. Do you have an age requirement? We don't have an age requirement per se, but we only take in members with a high maturity. This is screened through the recruitment stage, all of our full members are highly dedicated, trustworthy people of all different ages. Do you use Team Speak/Mumble? Yep, we have our own Teamspeak on a dedicated server. Feel free to keep the questions coming!
  11. 97ADU Vendetta

    Looking for a group or clan! AU or Nz server

    Feel free to check out the link in my signature. The 97th ADU is recruiting. We are a medium sized group, with our own servers, dedicated Teamspeaks, and amazing members. We are members of the Coalition, a band of prestigious clans with over 400 members. If you are interested, send me a PM and we will get you started.
  12. 97ADU Vendetta

    Looking for New Zealand players to game with

    No problem, just make sure to poke me when you get on!
  13. 97ADU Vendetta

    Looking for a clan

    Check my sig for a link to the 97ADU, we are an Australian/New Zealand based clan, but we are expanding our memberbase to the US. We are a member of the Coalition and work closely with Dr Wasteland and TMW, as well as the CQF. Check out the thread for more details.
  14. 97ADU Vendetta

    Solo Not to Fun 4 me!

    My clan is recruiting, and trust me when I say that if you are accepted you will never need to scavenge for a Lee Enfield ever again. We only recruit friendlies though. Link in sig.
  15. 97ADU Vendetta

    97ADU is now recruiting

    A bit of info: The 97th ADU is a part of the 400 player strong coalition force that is vehemently opposed to the 'shoot on sight' mentality that has gripped the game. Our organisation works closely with the Cheranus Quarantine Force {CQF} and The Medics of the Wasteland [TMW] to provide medical assistance, bodyguard services to medics and trading outposts, and 'discouraging' bandits that pick on fresh spawns. If this sounds like your kind of thing, send one of us a PM.
  16. 97ADU Vendetta

    For the Wasteland Medic Bodyguards

    Yeah keep it. Most medic bodyguards are pretty well equipped.
  17. 97ADU Vendetta

    97ADU is now recruiting

    Feel free to send us a PM if you have any questions!
  18. 97ADU Vendetta

    Looking for a clan / group

    Here: http://is.gd/N6M1ud
  19. 97ADU Vendetta

    It has mutated

    False. You could always get an infection from being hit by a zombie. Just a very low chance.
  20. 97ADU Vendetta

    Looking for New Zealand players to game with

    If your looking for a larger group, the 97th Australian Dental Unit may be what you're looking for. We have heaps of friendly NZ and AUS players, our own server, our own Teamspeak, and we're recruiting! Jump on our TS for more info. pluto.teamspeak.net.au:9018
  21. 97ADU Vendetta

    Looking for some Aussies to play with

    Check out the 97ADU http://is.gd/N6M1ud
  22. 97ADU Vendetta

    Looking for other Australian players

    Feel free to join the 97ADU http://is.gd/N6M1ud