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About goopler

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Since I updated to 1.7.1 and I can't see my char in third person, I can't see anyone else, there are no zombies, and stary sober camp is gone? is this all meant to happen? is it a glitch with the update? This is on a full server too.
  2. goopler

    Can't seem to connect.

    It already says i have one tho.
  3. I was given a response to a thread, on something about update battle eye, and i cant figure out how to do it with what i downloaded, help?
  4. goopler

    Can't seem to connect.

    What can I do to run that file? what program do I use? And what do I click to run the update?
  5. So I get into a server, I'm now in the multiplayer options, I can see all the players and all their statuses. I click OK and it starts loading, just at the end of the loading bar before I can start moving around, BOOM, I'm back at server menu... Please help?