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About FrenZY9527

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. FrenZY9527

    Dont understand why i lag so hard in cities.

    thanks will try that later.
  2. FrenZY9527

    Dont understand why i lag so hard in cities.

    idk man when i am playing my cpu usage is only at 25%
  3. FrenZY9527

    Dont understand why i lag so hard in cities.

    Oh an sorry void your playing on a toaster. Must suck living off welfare.
  4. FrenZY9527

    Dont understand why i lag so hard in cities.

    lol. seems like your having fun. Dont troll my post when im asking for help you faggot. And btw on the benchmarks in the orginal game on the first benchmark i get 64 fps. Then on the seconds one i get 45. Clearly not my pc..
  5. FrenZY9527

    Dont understand why i lag so hard in cities.

    i never have any problems with other games. i run bf3 mw3 and any other high end game on ultra no problems. and i dont see anything wrong under my resource monitor.
  6. FrenZY9527

    Dont understand why i lag so hard in cities.

    nah man. My gpu stock runs at 860 i just put it to 930 ghrz. so i dont know whats the deal. thanks for the reply though
  7. Hello fellow day'z players. Ive had this problem for quite sometime. I Do not lag at all when im not in major cities just when im in cherno electro etc...I updated my gpu to play this game and i still get the same results as a hd radeon 5770. specs -------- Amd fx 4100 quad core at 3.6 8gb ddr3 ram hd radeon 7750 2gb ddr5(overclocked a bit) 24"in sony monitor it doesnt matter if i play on 1920x1080 or 1280x720 i still lag in cities. Im a little frustrated and have tried everything including the gpu stuff in the documents of arma2 folders. I play on on low with some disabled. Much help is appreciated.