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About Mafzor

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Mafzor

    The Notorious Can Incident

    Rocket u got misled by a very small part of the community: the whiners. U should not have removed these items because of them. I for once think it was nice to see the new cans. And thought it was a nice gesture to devs and forum mods to name it after them. U should really implement them back and i think i'm not alone with this statement. A lot of other dayz players did like the new stuff they only don't bother to come on the forums.
  2. whitelist is down and laggy server no players
  3. If u go for private hives i think the game is close as what it should be. I did come back after 2 months again (after getting a refund on the warz :D). And had no hacker / duping / server hopping problems anymore and those were the main reasons i stopped playing. So again loads of fun.