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About Dimonator

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Dimonator

    Cross Clan

    Im interested. Im geared just need people to rape with. (and i suck at keeping a vehicle to myself) Im aussie, and im 20yrs old ;)
  2. Dimonator

    Australian Clan [SASR]

    Haha! If u cant find me on steam let me know and ill add you.
  3. Dimonator

    Australian Clan [SASR]

    Streamer? NONONO! MY steam is DimonatorZ. I dont stream lol. Im geared and need a clan to get vehicles with :)
  4. Dimonator

    Australian Clan [SASR]

    Hey Stig, By the looks of this i may be able to help you out. I am compeltely geared with As50, l8ws, m9sd pistol, rangefinder NV, coyote backpack, in other words, every single item u can get lol.. Im 20 years old and have been playing for a few months (im experienced). Im looking for a clan because i can not keep a vehicle on my own - as much as ive tried. Anyway my steam is DimonatorZ with the username of Dimonator. :) Edit: Just want to mention I've always played on verteran and expert servers - I like to be very careful and tactical, and i have learnt a lot of ins and outs in dayz ;)
  5. Dimonator

    Looking for aussie clan

    Hey Guys, Im also looking for an Australian Clan since im completely geared and have done everything i can as a lone survivor. I added U Lysander also, im Dimonator. Hope i can join ;)