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Everything posted by DrParabola

  1. Hey guys, just thought I'd sign up here to try and find a good couple of players to team up with (Around 4 including myself). I like to take things a bit seriously, and most of my friends just like to pull BS and mess around. So basically anyone willing to team up and play. I'm in PST (-8), and have a Blue Snowball mic, and am willing to use Skype/Teamspeak/Mumble or anything really. If you'd like to contact me, just add me on Skype. I do livestream on twitch sometimes, so hopefully anyone of you don't have a problem with it. Skype: DrParabola Make sure to say you're from the DayZ Forum Post. Happy Hunting Boys!
  2. DrParabola

    Need a serious group

    Just sent a Invite, been looking for a good serious squad, got some friends who play, but not so seriously. I'm on PST as well so the time thing shouldn't be an issue. Steam is the same as on here.