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About karb

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    On the Coast
  1. My modem was already set on LLC. I tried changeing it to VC MUX and it did nothing. Im in australia, QLD. I dont know if it is a proplem more common in my state. I had some luck with some youtube videos showing differnt things, They only bought me afew more minutes in game at best. Im just about ready to drop dayz. Nothing I do has made significant improvement. I may just forget about it until a standalone version comes to market.
  2. Hey all, I have this problem too, it is very fustrating. I am also launching the game via dayz commander. My game is installed though steam. Some times it works and sometimes it does not, I pretty much rage quit befor I find a server that will not boot me. I was one, AU 19, which worked great, Then the server rebooted at 4:00pm Brisbane time and it would not let me back in on account of battleye beening a so and so. A fix for this soon would be awesome. -Krab