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Rayan (DayZ)

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About Rayan (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Rayan (DayZ)

    Camo with Bandit thingo

    I wan't my head wrap :(
  2. Hey I got a simple question, couldn't find the answer anywhere and sorry if this is in the wrong section :) Can you become a bandit (with the headgear) while wearing camo? Thanks
  3. So, me and my friends are playing on an rmod server, so there are tons of new vehicles and ai and stuff. We were driving an SUV with heaps of weapons and supplies and I switched to first person and crashed... So we searched Elektro for wheels and an engine, when this guy with a boat appears wanting to team up on the docks. I shoot him, he logs, so we get his boat and hide that. And then about 20 mins later, some guy rocks up behind me (who I think is my friend) and shoots me, I turn around and fill him with 4 m14 rounds, he dies, I faint and bleed out... Now, seeing as he shot me first, I say "This guy is a bandit, blah blah blah" and he says that I'm the bandit, and everyone in he server starts harrassing me. Now I'm bugged cause the guy shot me first (I'm know I'm not being reasonable :P ) so I go on a personal vandetta for this guy, and all of a sudden, my friend is like "I found a heli". We start flyring around the coast of Cherno and Electro, and I'm like "who's in the heli". Being an rmod server, everyone says it's the ai. I go along with it, but next thing I know some guy is under me trying to hide. I have never felt so powerful in DayZ like I did. It was amazing. He tried to run, but I ANNIHILATED him. it was the best. AND, it turns out it was the guy who acused me of shooting him first and turnd the server against me. I ws soooooo happy. I'm all like in the server; "THAT WAS ME, BLAH BLAH BLAH" It was the best DayZ experience of my life.
  4. Rayan (DayZ)

    Framerate Issue, not sure why

    Well maybe it is a server problem, the modem was recently moved from upstairs (Where I play) to downstairs, and it made my connection a lot worse. I wan't to try and avoi a full reinstall as muchas possible because I don't really want to download it all again :P
  5. Ok, so I got DayZ a while back and played with my friends mostly on V and I ran the game smoothly on high, even in cherno and stuff where we used to meet up and get the bus. There was the atifacts problem or whatever it's calles, where weird triangles appear on you screen blocking your view in certain parts of cherno, but that was about the only graphical problem I had. Now I stopped playing for a couple of months, and when I came back I updated to 1.7.3 and the day after, and all of a sudden, I randomly get crazy framrate drops where it is impossible to do things (almost). It happens ~ every 10 seconds, and last for about 10 seconds, and it would make aiming and shooting ridiculously hard. Does anyone know why this has happened or how to fix it? Is it the update's fault? My specs: - Intel core i7 2670QM 2.2GHz (turbo up to 3.1GHz) - NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M 2GB dedicated VRAM - 8GB DDR3 memory - 750 GB HDD
  6. Rayan (DayZ)

    ANZ 3 - Hackers

    Dont know where to post this but I was in electro, suddenly spawned with nothing in debug plains or whatever, and all of a sudden spawn in a group of players and we all die. wankers
  7. Ok, so I just updated and I wanted to ask a cuople of questionZ (Get it :P) 1 - Does killing bandits lower your humanity still, or is that fixed? because I'm a hero :D 2 - I've noticed that when I became a hero all my stats reset on the debug moniter, but not the leaderboards (When you press the "I" key. It's no biggie, but I was just wondering if anyone knew why? 3 - When you do press the "I" key, what do each of the columns mean? I know one means zombie kills, but I'm not sure of the rest. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!