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Posts posted by ExtraSyllables

  1. So, I joined a game and bolted towards the woods as I normally do when i start fresh. It was your typical day, searching the blinds for gear, not getting eaten...times were good, and they were about to get better. I trudged through the woods for a bit and, much to my surprise, I found a tent! Luck be on the looter's side today! I begin to search through it, finding only some survival items: food and water. Suddenly, I hear a voice behind me, "Hey, what the fuck are you doing?"...Noob Mode Engaged... I quickly drop all his shit and turn around, "Please man, I just started and I need a few supplies...if you could spare a bottle of water and maybe some food, that'd be lovely...it's not like you dont have it to spare..." he had tons of food. Something must have touched his heart, because he gives me a bottle of water and 2 cans of food...along with a 1911 side arm and a single clip. As the gun enters my hand, my bandit's blood begins to boil... My lips curl and I begin to say..."keep an eye on your gun," he replies with a simple yup.."turn your back on no one," i respond...he turns away to gather the shit i dropped, then I take my chance. I open fire, filling his back with 5 shots, and sing at the top of my lungs "THERE'S ONLY ONE MAN YOU CAN TRUST, THAT'S A DEAD MAN!" I loot the body and run off, squealing like a little girl.


    Coyote Backpack

    Ghillie Suit

    Hunting Knife

    Crossbow w/ 10 bolts

    M1911 w/ 2 clips


    5 cans of food

    Went better than expected....

    the only part of this I didn't like was when I saw the crossbow and screamed, "OMG, I'm....KATNISS!"

    not because I compared myself to Katniss, but because Katniss uses a fucking bow...and I call myself a fan...ugh, shame!

  2. This is exactly what we need more in DayZ: Bandits who actually kill with a legitimate reason and not for the stats. This is so much better than people camping in one sniping spot who kill just to kill, not for loot or anything.

    this all over...

    literally, my first game...i join, take 3 steps and get spawn sniped...

    If i had loot, and a guy came up and legit killed me then looted, I wouldnt be pissed, but to just snipe? Go play COD or something....

  3. It never leaves your system. It will come back, the thirst, the hunger for that feeling, that rush, that anxiety, that adrenaline, that power. When it does come back, and it will, I will welcome you to the ranks of bandits, cutthroats, murderers, sociopaths, and psychopaths. Who needs to survive, when you can thrive? Who needs to hide, when you can conquer? Who need you fear, when you are what goes bump in the night?

    Welcome young one. May your stay be glorious, and your departure marked by the strewn body parts of thine enemies.

    I will admit, it was a pretty good feeling knowing I indirectly killed 3 people with 1 bullet

    I will gather my forces and lead my krant to glorious conquest!

  4. So, I just got the game, but I've been lurking the forums for quite a while, so I knew a thing or two about how the game works. That's beside the point though. So I join and quickly scrounge around for some weapons. To my luck, I find myself a Dinner Bell! A trollish grin comes across my lips as i whisper into the mic, "brace yourselves". I honestly wasn't expecting a response; I just like to talk into the mic to add to the realism. Anyway, my little quip is responded to by a hearty "Hey, you knew? I can help you if you need it. My clan and I are camped in the wo-"...he trailed off as I leveled my barrel at him. He begins to tell me to calm down ad come with him...Calm down? Is he serious? It enraged me to the point where i rang the fuck out of that bell. Headshot....his body falls limp to the floor and suddenly, 2 people run out of a house...he wasn't alone. I flee the scene, still ringing the dinner bell...eventually I get away. I chose to come back a few minutes later to see if any loot was left on my kill....I find all 3 members of his party, surrounded by zeds

    .....it's dinner time....

    • Like 1

  5. So, I'm new to the game and I'm more than ready to tackle this 90 degree learning curve head on, but there is one thing I need to know. Now, I get that this game is very immersive in a zombie apocalypse setting, but is there just a massive douche racio out there? I know some people will be very mistrusting of others and stuff, but is there just a large sect of dicks and wanna be trolls i should watch for?
