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Everything posted by Dunky10000

  1. Hey guys, I'm usually a lone wolf, and this game is sooo much different with a partner to play with. So, im looking to have someone tag along with me. You must be mature, and at least 16. sorry to the young ins, but in general, you all are a lot more untrustworthy at first. Older people can be dicks too, but are easier to trust, I live in the Eastern Time zone (Indiana more specifically) and would like someone who plays daily. I can only play mon, weds, fri, and sunday, depending on my work schedule. Please, just dont be an ass and just kill me when me meet. Sure, its just a game, but there is still no reason to be an ass about this. You can add me on steam: datrombonedude Thanks guys! One more thing, im not interested in clans atm
  2. Dunky10000

    looking to partner up

    I'm sure that i will at some point, but its orth just mentioning. and im playing with someone atm guys, ill try to catch with you guys, so you can keep adding me, and ill see you soon then
  3. Dunky10000

    Was i justified in this?

    You gave him a warning, he didn't follow it I personally would've done the same.
  4. Yeah most likely, it is 7pm atm where i am at, Just pm and we will try to get on a server together. I have a mic, do you?
  5. Hey, Im in the same boat as you. Been playing solo for about 2-3 weeks, and now im wanting to group up with some one. if youre on, we can try to group up. only worry is trusting you, and im sure you are the same about me. I do have some good gead and can really help you catch up
  6. Dunky10000

    Wolf Armouries - Store

    hello, i would like to get an MP5. now, atm i have 6 clips of SD and 4 regular, will the MP5SD take the regular MP5 ammo? i have a M107 round, AKM with 2 mags, if i could trade these for one of the MP5's thatd be great
  7. Dunky10000

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Low on health, have abotu 2.5kish, have my own blood bag, just need the transfusion, will gadly give an item or two for some help, Thanks! just pm