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About CarrierMobility

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I think the zombie aggro radius need some tweaking.... [attachment=1200] I'm fine with having to fight this kind of horde, assuming I did something to warrant it. This pile right here was the result of being seen at ~100m while in the crouching position.
  2. CarrierMobility

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    You just proved my point exactly. Now you're backtracking from the "everything must be realistic!" stance you were using to justify the removal of the skins. So, your stance on realism is not absolute. It's fluid - you say you are asking for "a little bit" of realism. You (and the other promoters of this change) want the "little bit" of realism that benefits them, AND they want to ignore the realism that doesn't benefit them. You just broke your own argument. All of this to say the following...... The "realism" line of argument is bunk. The focus of this discussion should be not on what is "most realistic", but instead on what provides the most reasonable and balanced gameplay experience for all types of players.
  3. CarrierMobility

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    Your argument is not logical' date=' due to a failure in mutual exclusivity within the argument itself. You're smart, so I'll let you tell me why I'm right. ;) [/quote'] I'm happy to listen to any constructive, logcal counter-argument you have to the point I made. Your last post doesn't count, however. Since I am both smart and also kind, I will let you try again.
  4. CarrierMobility

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    If the goal is ultra-realism, then you're right - removing the bandit skins is one step closer to reality. Then again, if you're going for ultra-realism, please remove all zombies from the game - since it is impossible for dead bodies to re-animate. Now, we just have a game where human beings shoot each other for what they're carrying. That's a little TOO much like real life for me. It's still a game, and yes - I'll say it - it should be fun to play.
  5. CarrierMobility

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    It's called having a "discussion", and it's part of refining ideas. Rocket asked for feedback, so we're giving him feedback.
  6. CarrierMobility

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    This (removing the bandit skin) is 100% the wrong direction. The balance between survivor and bandit is extremely tenuous at the moment, but there is some semblance of balance. The end result of removing the bandit skin will be to allow bandits to kill with impunity. It will also be the case that survivors will not hesitate to fire on unknown parties. Rocket - you state that you don't want to impose rules/order on this game. That's a noble ideal, to create something where the players define the rules. BUT, you must realize, that this is exactly that - and IDEAL. By your very nature as the game developer, you DO serve a vital role in preserving the playability and balance of the game. NOT telling players HOW to play, but providing an environment in which they can feasibly choose to play how they wish. If you move forward with removing the bandit skins, you are tilting the balance of power in favor of bandits, and in favor of those who shoot first. With great power comes great responsibility... Such is the burden of being a god. It's not worth it, man. Not if all we gain out of it is a custom skin for bling purposes.