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Mitt Romney

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Posts posted by Mitt Romney

  1. You honestly think they ruined my fun if we are still playing long after we got killed? Besides, the only reason we started playing on private hives were so we could troll and die some more. We have been playing 8 hours and all of us are still playing long after.

    Actually I recall the reason being the public hive server you had all your vehicles on crashed and wiped everything. I just found it funny that it took you four hours to realize there was an infiltrator in your group, considering he was communicating with you over DayZ and Teamspeak AND killing you simultaneously.

    L2identifyvoices lul.

  2. huh? what lol 75% of my deaths were suicides, and beside they were all on private hives so I didnt really bother, I didnt pick up any loot/gear during the entire game (mostly because it never spawned), so I mainly died with only starter gear, also many of my deaths were me charging strangers shouting ALALLALAL.

    Y u heff to be mad


    Good meetup guys I really enjoyed it, it was/is really fun ^_^ Several hours in and theres still plenty of people playin, we HAVE to do this another time. Big props to EqD Nightly for promoting this meetup!

    Was fun, will have to do this again some other time!

  3. Looks like someone managed to hide in our ranks and shoot some folks. But since it was basically standard Dayz antics anyway, especially since we're gathering in a main city, it felt like standard dayz. Nice sneakiness, "Paul Ryan".



    It would seem as if my pick for VP did well, congrats Ryan. Lol u mad Huggie?
