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SurvivalServers (DayZ)

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Everything posted by SurvivalServers (DayZ)

  1. SurvivalServers (DayZ)

    Need a Server Host

    You could give us a try. We'll take care of you well.
  2. Now announcing the Survival Servers affiliate program! Earn 10% forever: http://www.survivalservers.com/announcements.php?id=13 We have a location coming to North Carolina, pre-order is up for that location.
  3. We are launching the 96836 and 96867 beta patches tonight. It's not recommended to update to these as they've not yet been sufficiently tested. UPDATE: Only 1 spot left in Los Angeles! We're almost sold out of all whitelisted locations.
  4. Is there a way to block server locking within the server configuration? I find this option is open for abuse on public hive servers.. been a problem.
  5. Beta patch 96751 now available from Updates tab. 1 available spot for sale in Germany!
  6. New hive servers take a while to get situated. Please be patient and wait 24-72 hours while your server spawns new vehicles.
  7. You don't have to be a customer! Click on the "Contact Us" tab on the SurvivalServers.com homepage.
  8. Please submit a ticket on our website! Thanks
  9. SurvivalServers (DayZ)

    HFB server, can't use BEC...alternative?

    << disregard >>
  10. SurvivalServers (DayZ)

    Can't start server using Remote Desktop

    Show us the batch file code. Where is ARMA2:OA installed?
  11. Just FYI, our website will be down (not TC Admin or any game service) tonight for some time while we upgrade servers. Thanks for your patience! You can upload and update yourself from FTP.
  12. Glad you're happy! We make these available for you guys soon. We can't allow each user to upload it individually but submit a request through a ticket on our website if you would like this done to your server. The above answer should cover this answer as well, let me know if you need further clarification. If you haven't already, please submit a ticket and I'll see what I can do. UPDATE: Stock available in Dallas, Philadelphia. LA coming within 24-48 hours. More stock is on the way in other locations.
  13. Create a support ticket and we'll take care of you.
  14. I am sure you can refund through them and switch over to us!
  15. Submit a ticket, not sure which person you are ;)
  16. Only 8 whitelisted servers left in stock! 4 available in USA, 4 available in Germany. We will be adding Switzerland servers soon! More stock in Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and Dallas are on the way as well.
  17. I see your LiD just fine, please submit a new ticket if this is still a problem, I just checked your config files and everything seemed to be there.
  18. UPDATE: is now available for every server as well as Beta 96584!
  19. was just released! We will be making this available on all of our servers today. Please be patient as this will take a few hours to get around to everyones server.
  20. All day? I don't see any support tickets (or maybe I answered a while back) All should be OK now. Please submit a support ticket as soon as you notice the issue so that we can best resolve the issue. Your issue was with 1 of our servers and was related to the BEC issue we were having. It was fixed today (after many hours of problem solving). Please let us know to move your billing cycle back extra days for the down time.
  21. Update: We are working hard on fixing up an issue with BEC. Some servers might restart during this time! Thanks for your patience.
  22. Please do not fix the server.cfg error on your own! We're getting through all these support tickets and should be done in the next hour or so. :)
  23. The config issue has been identified and fixed. For the servers already affected please do not click "save" and submit a support ticket. We'll re-configure your server for you. If we haven't already got to your ticket it will be in the next few hours. Hang tight. :) Typically, yes around these times. It's basically a ball park estimate of when we are able to provide support. Some days may be different, we can't guarantee anything. We'll certainly help you with whatever you need, just make sure to purchase the Fully Managed option so we can assist you further. Most of it is pretty much done for you, but getting BEC/AntiHax setup to your liking might require some research (unless you have us set it up for you under the Fully Managed option). Can you create a support ticket about this? Seems your issue is related to the aforementioned BEC problem. Please let us handle this, don't try to save the config file on your own. The BEC issue also needs to be adjusted by us. Please create a support ticket so we can fix you up. Not at the moment, we're planning on selling private hive / community hive servers in the near future.