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About TrUsT

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  1. TrUsT

    The Pirates of Chernarus!

    Amazing bunch of pirates that I've had the pleasure of playing with for a few weeks now :) As Terry said, we're a large diverse group of people so there's always a bunch of people on at any one time, all over the map, and will be up for just about anything. At the moment we're having a bit of fun trying to take prisoners, sometimes relieving them of their shiny gear as well as relieving them of their livelyhood if they resist ;) Convoy trips aplenty as well and for quite a while we had a massive base built up around the pub & church in cherno, good times! So come and join our motley crew of scallywags, scroungers and pirates of all natures, YARRR :ph34r:
  2. TrUsT

    DayZ Stories

    Haha, absolutely brilliant story! :)
  3. Whiskey bottles are great, especially for throwing at the feet of players trying to sneak around some infected. Great for a bit of fun when you don't want to resort to banditry :)
  4. Actually, the answer to 2 is yes, changing your facial skin doesn't require a restart. Just change it under your profile and the next time you log in you'll have the new skin :)
  5. My average is about 14 or so days after leaving the coast, with a max of 22-24 (can't remember which) that only ended because of a very silly mistake lol :s
  6. TrUsT

    "Hey, I know you!"

    Absolutely brilliant, well thought out idea that I'd love to see implemented! +1 :)
  7. TrUsT

    DayZ Stories

    snip FFS, let's just leave this shit alone already! Points were made, opinions were shared, now let's get back on topic and post some more fun stories :)
  8. TrUsT

    DayZ Stories

    Just had a good'n! My previous 4 or so lives have been rather ill-fated, almost entirely due to somewhat cheeky snipers camping around spawn points. Anyway, I'd just been victim to an unlucky zombie strike that broke my legs somewhere around Bor, with no morphine at all. So I figured I'd take it like a man and crawl my way back to Balota airfield in search of some. Needless to say, it was a rather long and dull haul (except for dodging a few not-so-sneaky banditos). I finally made it to the first hangar, nothing whatsoever. I crawl up to the 2nd hangar and see a guy looting what could be my morphine, he sees me. Now I'm not one of those bandit types, so I key up my mic "Hey buddy, I'm friendly, don't suppose you could spare any morph... Boom, headshot and I'm dead. So I spawn back at Elektro and am raiding one of the outer barns after having found a double-barrel shoty when I spy another survivor looting. So I again key up my mic "hey mate I'm friendly, you? He only has an axe and types "yes" so I'm asking if he was a fresh spawn as well when he types something along the lines of "just go away". So I says to the man "hey, all you have is an axe, I've got a shoty, lets split the loot and team up". He doesn't reply but instead keeps taking all the loot. I say "hey, come on mate" but still he keeps looting. So in the end I decide fuck it and put a slug straight though his temple for being a greedy bugger. I immediately felt bad but figured hey, he probably had it coming. It's funny how easy it is to justify these sorts of things... Then I decide screw it let's have a look around cherno, I don't have a lot to lose. As luck would have it the place was completely dead, except for all the zombies, but they're easy enough to sneak past. What's more is that the server must have just been restarted or something because there was loot everywhere! I bagged an M16A2 M203 and M24 in the firestation, alice pack in the church, 5 blood bags and 5 morphine in the hospital and a makarov (sucky, I know) in a red-brick, as well as a bunch of tools, food and drink about the place! Then I hightail it North to the safety of the mountains! I guess the moral of the story is that good things come to those who wait, and dodge the snipers and get extremely lucky :) Tl;dr: Cheeky snipers and a lack of morphine killed me a bunch of times. I killed a bloke who wouldn't share, and then proceeded to loot Elektro dry without encountering another soul :)
  9. He could also have ninja-rolled... That's silent, much like a ninja! ;)
  10. TrUsT

    Any stories you feel bad about?

    Just last night I committed my first and only murder (I have been playing pretty solidly for over a month now). I was on uk5 on about 7000 blood (with no axe remaining on account of the previous glitch) and had just ventured to the most north-western farm settlement to find it almost completely empty. I didn't really want to venture into any cities because the low blood meant I'd be easy prey for other players, so I figured I'd skirt the edge of the map to the dam. Anyways, after quite a run, I come up to the edge of the water east of the dam and what do I see? A player ~50m away, shyt! But then I realise, he's crouched over a boar gutting it. I'd been toying with the idea of killing a player for a week or so, but my conscience/survival instinct had always gotten the better of me. Not this time though! The adrenalin hit me like a bus, I popped out from behind a bush, brought my trusty akm to the ready and, while he was still gutting his boar, popped 4 rounds into the side of his chest. What a rush!!! Not to mention the reward of the axe I really needed, extra meat, gps, some other bits and bobs and an m4 cco with loads of mags! :) I was so pumped with adrenalin that I was shaking, had to retreat a safe distance away, logged out and went and sat outside 'till the shakes went away lol. I feel really bad about the kill, but was just too curious! Needless to say, I won't be committing any more murders, but wow, what a rush! Also, sorry to the bloke gutting the boar on uk5 last night...!
  11. TrUsT

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Yes it affects it, but it doesn't necessarily reduce it. Here's an easy to read article published in "Acoustics Today" in 2006. Yay, science! :) http://flyquietoak.com/_source/pdf/Tab%204g%20PDF%20links/General_National/Refraction%20of%20Sound%20in%20the%20Atmosphere_2006.pdf tl;dr "In fact, sound does penetrate fog, often quite well"
  12. TrUsT

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    The fog already affects visibility, which is realistic, I don't really see the need for changes to audibility. That said, would be happy to test it out anyway :)
  13. TrUsT

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    How bout doing the same for the flashlight? +1 Awesome idea. And people wonder why we have the forums? * [NEW] Flashlights can now be packed to toolbelt also (gear action) Love this so much, might actually consider using one now! :D