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Bill Murray

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Everything posted by Bill Murray

  1. Bill Murray

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Game time is tied to the system time on the server. If someone changes the time on the Windows server and then restarts the server, the game will change to the new system time. edit: It is possible to change the system time via windows powershell. Admins could be setting a script to reset the time and restart the server on a regular basis.
  2. Bill Murray

    Issues before even purchasing ArmA, anyone willing to help

    You *can* use a free copy with OA, but you'll lose the HD textures. I bout Combined Ops from Amazon for $15 and Steam doesn't recognize the keys. However, it can still be added to steam as a non-steam game.
  3. Bill Murray

    Use same character with multiple PCs?

    As long as you use the same cd-key, you will have the same character. It isn't stored locally or dependent on profile name.
  4. Some bandits group up and give each other transfusions get their survivor skins back. The mechanic was broken. It was too easy for people to game. Hell, I've been shot by more "survivors" than bandits. The skin system was never a good way to tell who is friendly.
  5. Bill Murray

    Zombies running to fast!

  6. Bill Murray

    Server setup

    They are currently only approving about 20-30% of server requests. Priority goes to those who can host multiple 50 player servers.
  7. (04-30-2012 01:01 AM) rocket Wrote: DayZ was designed to be impossibly cruel, dark, and brutal. It was not designed as a game it was more of an experiment, I prefer the term "anti-game" - in other words the mechanics are not designed to be balanced, or offer a way out for different situations.
  8. Bill Murray

    Server naming

    I've noticed that the Virginia servers all list their difficulty and time zone in the server name. Can we get an official suggestion from Rocket that everyone do this? It can be frustrating to jump into servers blind and not know what you're getting into.
  9. You mean you don't want to see every carebear's idea for penalties for murderers?
  10. Bill Murray

    [Dayz] Suggestion - Real Build ASPECT (Rocket2Guns)

    What would happen if someone else already claimed the land/vehicle? Do you take it from them? Would it stop showing on their menu? I think this idea would take quite a bit of work to incorporate into the game. It might add an interesting twist, though. Also, the "DO NOT COMMENT" spam at the bottom of your post makes you sound immature.
  11. Bill Murray

    Are they taking away Bandits?

    It would be great if zeds didn't spawn right on top of me, too. As far as skins go, I don't trust anyone no matter if they are bandit or survivor. I've been shot by as many survivors as bandits. Removing bandit skins isn't going to change my play.
  12. pffft...twinkies have nothing on snowballs.
  13. Agreed. One of the reasons I end up ignoring the chat is the terrible signal to noise ratio because of server spam.
  14. Bill Murray

    How do you?
