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Bill Murray

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About Bill Murray

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. This just happened to me and I wasn't anywhere near a vehicle. I had only been in-game for about a minute.
  2. Report this in the Servers/Cheat Reporting forum.
  3. Bill Murray

    DayZ: A neat game with no endgame

    1) The infected are modified animals, not civilians. Even if they added the ability to play as a zombie and you somehow became a zombie liuetenant with the ability to command other zombies, they don't take orders. They aren't standard AI. They are modified animals. 2a) The previous bandit system didn't work very well. How do you tell someone is truly a bandit? When we had the bandit skins, bandits would team up and shoot each other then give each other transfusions to raise their humanity and remove the bandit skin. And survivors would kill in self-defense and end up appearing to be a bandit. We need a better way to determine who is actually a bandit before tagging people as such. 2b) AI characters that kill bandits/protect survivors are exactly what Rocket said he didn't want to do. That would be the game making a judgement on how players choose to play. Rocket doesn't want the game to judge people for their play style. 3) There's great loot all over the map. The barracks at NWAF is the only place that doesn't spawn the same things as every other military loot point (tents, deer stands, etc) and people mainly go there to try for NVGs. Also, the best weapons seem to come from Helicopter crashes all across the map. 4) I agree that there should be more vehicles. I've only been in a few and have yet to find one that I can claim as my own. 5) Loading times vary. Lately it has been going pretty quick for me.
  4. It has nothing to do with "being allowed since the beginning." The problem is the way that the client and server are designed in ArmA. The server doesn't really track the player. It doesn't make changes to the player. The client reports updates to the player to the server and the server distributes that info back to the other clients (and the Hive for DayZ). When a client disconnects, the server doesn't mantain a copy of that character because it was never intended to. In ArmA, there was no was need for it to do anything like that. It isn't that Rocket is ignoring the problem or doesn't think it is a problem. There are serious technical limitations to what he can do that will have any effect on this behavior. Hopefully BIS isn't making ArmA III with the same basic client/server architecture.
  5. Bill Murray

    What do you think about non-hive servers?

    1 post. Did you really just register a name so that you could make this comment? Why do you feel the need to add nothing to the conversation and act like a dick?
  6. Bill Murray

    Bear Traps what do you think?

    The entire game is intended to be "a lil brutal."
  7. Bill Murray

    Servers without friendly fire, aka pvp killing

    Do you know what would be great about non-pvp servers? You could through flares and smoke grenades at people to aggro zeds on them and they couldn't shoot you in retaliation. Trolls are going to troll with our without pvp enabled.
  8. If it didn't say that person A was killed by person B, then it wasn't a debug area kill.
  9. I often shoot for self defense because it seems that people usually shoot first at me. Last night, however, I decided to hang around Cherno. Shortly after I arrived I went to visit the Church and look for supplies. I found a crossbow and a revolver when suddenly a woman runs in trailing some zeds behind her. I could see she was unarmed and needed help so I popped the zeds for her and started leading her around turn. We made a good lap of Cherno and hit most residential places other than the apartments. We also hit the hospital and found an AK in the station house, which I left for her to grab. After about an hour of this I was ready to head to bed, so I led her to the edge of town and pointed her to the next one. Then I laid down in a bush (still with a crossbow and revolver) and logged out. Not everyone will shoot you (or beat you to death) at the first opportunity.
  10. Bill Murray

    Draw Distance tanking frame rate?

    Draw distance is locked by the server. You can change it for single player, but in multi-player they want everyone to have the same view distance.
  11. Bill Murray


    You should see this. [attachment=1528]
  12. Bill Murray

    Berezino - A story

    Question. Where did the Remington come from? In the first chapter, it was a Winchester. Also, what's with the flare when the Remington has a light on it?