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Everything posted by Dragsters50

  1. Dragsters50

    Unfairly Banned From US 2013

    I had the same thing happen to me armyboy these guys are just idiots
  2. Yes, however, they are not allowed to ban you for having the weapons, they have to prove you spawned them in to has reason to back up their ban, cause this would contain an abuse of power if they can ban for people having weapons they do not like, wether legal or illegal.
  3. Dragsters50

    Heli despawn on sever restart?

    Tents and vech's do not save to the hive due to a bug in the past couple of patches. Unless the tents/the gear inside of them and vechs were saved about 4 versions ago, they will keep despawning untill the hive crap is fixxed.