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Everything posted by ominouspenguin

  1. You are talking about the client. This thread is about the server. Anyway.. No, port forwarding is not difficult... unless perhaps the user is blind and their screen reader struggles with the web interface of their router.. then it could be difficult. Can we please get away from the idea that everyone is stupid and it's ok for them to stay stupid?
  2. It wouldn't be part of the netcode. Anyway it's very easy to implement - it just involves a bit of XML over HTTP.
  3. Do you think it would be reasonable to assume that "those who don't know how to handle their firewall" would be home users and thus their router would probably be one that supported UPnP port forwarding? What do people think of UPnP forwarding? Would it be a good idea to implement it in the server?
  4. Err.. could you explain your answer please? Are you planning to host a server behind NAT and don't know how to forward ports?
  5. In games where stealth and situational awareness is key, in-game music just gets turned off by the majority of players. So while I appreciate some people like it and I'm not opposed to it, I think it should have a low priority.
  6. I agree with Vindicator.. I completely disagree with everything you said Vorg. Sounds v carebear and completely not in line with the tone of the mod/game.
  7. I think any inventory system should use a numerical measure of volume instead of a Tetris-like limited size grid.
  8. ominouspenguin

    Remove the annoying background "music"

    I thought douchebags are a subset of morons? Can a douchebag be intelligent?
  9. ominouspenguin

    Remove the annoying background "music"

    Soundtrack of the year. Edit: Actually, make that 'Soundtrack of the decade'. Is the number of morons increasing or are they just getting more vocal as they work out how to use the internet? I'm sure people weren't this retarded ten years ago.
  10. ominouspenguin

    [VIDEO] Don't Shoot Me I'm New!

  11. ominouspenguin

    Remove the annoying background "music"

    lol. First thing I do in pretty much every game ever... turn off the in-game music.
  12. ominouspenguin


    Man you guys are slow.
  13. ominouspenguin

    A Hacker has ruined my DayZ Experience...

    As others have said, the stand alone game will not have this massive hacking problem.
  14. ominouspenguin

    Stupid cheater recorded himself on xfire

    Looks like the video has been removed. Yes it's sad that these people exist but in a way I feel sorry for them because they were probably bullied at school or something.
  15. ominouspenguin

    Building a pc- static electricity

    For others that may be in the same position that you were, I'd like to add that touching the case isn't going to help unless the PSU is installed and plugged in (not switched on) so that it's grounded. Personally I have a power cable from some old appliance that I've cut off so it's just a length of cable with the power socket on one end. At the other end the live and neutral wires are cut off flush with the cable sheath and insulated with some electrical tape. The the earth sticks out and I've soldered a crocodile clip to it. If I touch this to something I'm in no doubt as to whether it's grounded or not.
  16. ominouspenguin

    DayZ Desktop Icon(s)

    Best one I've found: http://phokka.deviantart.com/art/DayZ-Mod-Dock-Icon-Flurry-Style-317602213
  17. ominouspenguin

    reformat system

    If you've just cocked up something in the registry then try booting off the OS DVD and doing a system restore or repair or whatever. May be no need for a reinstall.
  18. ominouspenguin

    Still running across the map ?

    Depending on where I got killed I either leg it back to my body, or go to Cherno or Elektro to pick up the basics then tab up to the NW. Yes it's kinda boring but it only takes 10 mins?
  19. ominouspenguin

    Database Coordinates?

    It looks like the North-South coordinate is just reversed... In game it starts at 02 in the north and increases as you go south, whereas the engine starts the North-South coordinates in the south and they increase as you go north. Extrapolating from those two coordinates you gave, 00 is 152. To convert in-game 086 to the back-end number 152-86 = 66. The fact that it's 6674.55 shows us that he's about one quarter of the way down through that 086 latitude and if he went a bit further north he'd cross the 086 line and the back-end number would go up from 6674.55 to 6699.99 and then 6700.00 as he stood on the 086 line. Make sense?
  20. He said he hasn't died... he just updated. You should only get the gender question when you respawn after dying.
  21. ominouspenguin

    Database Coordinates?

    I don't know anything about the engine or what Hive is other than a server-side thing, but just a guess... The coordinates you see in-game are obviously not high precision. They go up in 100 meter increments.. so between the 060 and 061 longitudinal coordinates there are 100 meters.. 6040.0923 must be 40.0923 meters East of the 060 longitudinal coordinate. It'd be no good if the database only stored positions at intersections of coordinates. If you wanted to put something at 061 068 you would use [x|[6100.00| 6800.00|0]] ... that would put the object at the exact point where the 061 longitudinal line crosses the 068 latitudinal line. If you wanted to put the vehicle in the middle of the 061 068 coordinate box, you would use [x|[6150.00| 6850.00|0]]. I guess the x is hight?? The hight of the terrain obviously varies and you'd have to put the exact height of the terrain other wise the vehicle will spawn in the air or under the ground... I expect someone who has actually used this stuff before will be able to help more with the height thing.
  22. It's a pretty decent summary of the mod but nothing new for anyone with a modicum of intelligence that has played it for an hour or two. Maybe useful to show friends considering getting it.
  23. ominouspenguin

    How to use a rangefinder

    For others who come searching the forum for this info: You must drop your binos (and optionally pick them up again) so that the rangefinder moves into the top left slot. It will then be activated by B. Unfortunately this is the only way to switch between them. The binos have a wider field of view which is useful sometimes, so it's annoying that they can't just be bound to different keys.
  24. ominouspenguin

    "Re-arm" Button in Gear - ?

    This thread is hilarious.