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Everything posted by ominouspenguin

  1. ominouspenguin

    About the Security Issues

    Thanks for setting the facts out. I take EVERYTHING I read on the internet with a pinch of salt unless it is from the horses mouth. I think it is clear that Tonic did not handle the indecent well but understand the panic that can arise when you think your system has been compromised but are not sure of exactly how. I have experienced the same thing. PS Edit: Thunfisch, x7Steelers7x and FaceofMankind.... I'm literally stunned. I hope you're trolling.
  2. ominouspenguin

    Solution to Alt+F4 cowards.

    It's been suggested many times already and I agree. A log off timer for people disconnecting legitimately.. ie you find somewhere safe and hit disconnect, your character remains in game for 15 seconds but you are unable to move or do anything other than abort the disconnect and return to the game. Regarding distinguishing between people lagging and people who close their clients, Alt+F4 sends a terminate command to the program and the program closes it's self, I expect that part of the Arma2 shutdown function sends something to the server to the effect of 'I'm disconnecting'. Whereas if the client times out, the server will receive no notification.. it will just not hear from the client. The effect will be the same however if the process is just terminated eg via task manager.
  3. ominouspenguin

    ForumZ has pcp and perma death too

    Gemno, the whole forum was rolled back a few days. It wasn't your post in particular that was deleted.
  4. ominouspenguin

    Is rocket satisfied with us?

    I bought Arma2 the weekend before last and DayZ added an additional incentive to buy it, but I've been playing vanilla as well. I certainly wouldn't have paid £25 for just DayZ in Alpha. I imagine the trouble with making a full game designed as an MMO from the ground up would be that it would require investment and the investor would likely not give Rocket free reign. That's where it starts going wrong. With high end server hardware to maintain, a recurring subscription fee would probably be the way to go. We've all seen 'pay what you like' models, but has anyone seen this applied to a subscription based game? You pay what you like each month. Perhaps with a minimum of $5 ?
  5. ominouspenguin

    Different server classes

    Yeah I'd much prefer settings to be constant across all servers. No hud crosshairs, no player location on map without GPS.. etc etc. 3rd person cam is going to be the big one for debate. Personally I don't like OP's suggestion of tiered servers. rocket I think you missed that he suggested the good loot would only be available on the hard servers. I would anticipate the reverse happening - People would get good stuff on the hard servers, then take it to easier servers and pwn noobs with their high tier kit for lolz.
  6. Yeah I think bleeding should continue while offline. You should only log off in a 'safe' place. I'm also happy with hunger and thirst increasing while offline, but the rate at which they increase should be much reduced (I'm not saying only reduced when offline). Have you tried eating a can of baked beans every half an hour for a day??? The zombies would hear you a mile away from all the farting... Oh but hang on, drinking a pint of water every half an hour it'd be less fart, more diarrhoea.
  7. ominouspenguin

    Winchester is a placeholder... but for what?

    Currently I think it's very well balanced, so I hope that by "the ammo, the sounds, etc..." rocket doesn't mean to change the volume of the noise and the one shot zombie stopping power.
  8. ominouspenguin

    THE Firewood thread

    A problem with adding wood (regardless of where it spawns) is that it compounds the problem of the unrealistic inventory/carrying system. I could have a 60lb bergen on my back, my weapon on it's sling and all my webbing full of magazines etc etc, but IRL I could still carry a pile of logs in my arms. The more realism you try to add, the more it will compound the existing unrealism at the core of the system.
  9. ominouspenguin

    THE Firewood thread

    Step 1: Revert to 1.5.7 fire system. Step 2: Make matchboxes limited use. [step 3: Add rare flint and steel which is unlimited use.] @ KT zu Guttenberg If lots of people didn't make lots of noise about bad ideas, then they might be overlooked by the developer.
  10. I very much agree. - You should be able to pick up wood in forests. - No hatchet should be necessary. If a log is big, you just stick the end on the fire and keep moving it up as it burns... no need to chop it up. Everywhere you go there are trees or buildings made of wood. Not being able to pick up wood from the forest floor is frustratingly unrealistic.
  11. ominouspenguin

    Campfire guitar.

    +1 I loved the vibe in Stalker. Acoustic guitars are not heavy.. you should be able to sling it over your back on top of your backpack.