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About escoffiersghost

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Location
    DC Area
  1. escoffiersghost


    as i enjoy the game so much more interacting with others i will almost always try to make contact with the other players. if i am unarmed i will just walk up to them. if i get killed i have nothing to lose. if i am geared up i will be a lot more careful about it. i will stay hidden and observe the other player before making any moves. bandits get shot.
  2. escoffiersghost


    dude, what is not cool is equating someone cheating at a fucking video game as being homosexual and that being a bad thing. cheaters are not cool. gay people are fine. using 'gay' as a negative or as an insult is fucking lame and not to be tolerated. grow the fuck up.
  3. escoffiersghost

    Good place to find Ghillie

    one of the best places to find a ghillie is on that mountain that overlooks the east end of electro. pick a server that has a reasonable number of players. the key is to approach from the north. approach slowly, quietly, patiently. as ghillie suits are hard to see, you must pay attention. at the top of this mountain, likely underneath a tree or next to a bush you will see a ghillie suit lying prone. using whatever weapon you have available liberate the ghillie suit. you will also end up with a sniper rifle and some other goods.
  4. escoffiersghost

    My story about a -FRIENDLY- hacker.

    cheating is cheating is cheating is cheating. what fun is having some script punk provide you with gear when the point and real joy of the game is going out and finding that loot yourself? but, i suppose if you like not having a challenge whatever.
  5. he needs two hardened men. hehe
  6. escoffiersghost

    this is gonna sound weird...

    each and every single time i team up with those i do not know very well (ie having not played much with them) i am on edge, paranoid and willing to shoot at any moment. i am always thinking 'do i survive better with this person or with this person's gear?' i have never taken the latter. and i also always think that the person or persons i have partnered with are asking themselves the very same question. i like playing with others. it makes things a lot more interesting. but, when i see someone with their gun on me and we are partners, or if they are right behind me a lot i get worried. i will tell them to stop it. if they do not things can get bad. i will if possible just lose them in the forest or a town. if that is not a possibility i will put my gun on them and back away warning them not to follow or i will shoot.
  7. escoffiersghost

    Need Medical Assistance in the Mod? Find a medic here!

    my issue is this: i have been shot and my leg is broken. some morphine would set me right. i have used your services before. the situation was all my doing. i was near mogilevka when i saw a field with one cow and a goat in it. i shot them both. and then boom before my eyes two more cows spawn. as they are witnesses to my crimes i kill both of them too. and as i am scanning the field for more 'witnesses' i see chris. 320 meters away is chris. his alice pack is sticking up over the grass and i see him scoping me with his binoculars. i do the same to him. i make it real obvious i can see him. in side chat i type 'friendly.' i lower my gun, i salute. i repeat a couple times. i then move towards him. he stays where he is. this should be fine, so i think. as i get to about 50 meters away he bolts. i stupidly follow. i run parallel hoping to cut him off and offer him some meat as a act of friendship. under a tree i find him prone leveling a shotgun at me. that is cool. this is day z. we always have guns pointed at us. he fires. i return fire with my ak at close range. chris died. why, chris? i only wanted to be your friend. so, i am outside mogilevka. morphine would make my day. hell, if you could hook up a couple clips for an ak i would be thrilled as well. thanks. i can be contacted on steam as well. escoffiersghost is my steam id.
  8. escoffiersghost

    Forgive me lord for i have sinned

    sometimes you have to do that sort of thing. i was coming south to meet a pal on the mountain north of pusta. i was coming from the north. as i came around near the peak i see another player. he is laying down looking over the mountain with a dmr. i freeze and just watch him for a while. over teamspeak i tell my pal what i see. he is coming from the south. realizing my partner could well be in danger i did not hesitate and unloaded a clip in the man's back from an m-16. got my first nvg that day, saved my partner from potential death, only felt bad for a moment.
  9. escoffiersghost

    Tactic Help: How to Takedown Four Survivors?

    not a problem. and i would say assaulting four survivors with assault rifles is likely a hypothetical. that is a lot of dudes to take out. just the entire time i was running around with them i was wondering how to try.
  10. the server i play on a lot has some interesting settings. loot and gear spawn real slow. maybe once an hour, possibly even less. it makes for a server that is all in all pretty friendly. many times have i found people to run without easily. however, i also has made that which they have on them a lot more valuable. sure, i could go and get a alice pack easily on most servers. but, on this one they are kind of hard to get. killing someone for their stuff is more sensible. so, the other night i was running with four others. the level of armament was ak/m-16. not endgame weapons, but decent. and of the five of us we have little food, little drink. i was armed with the m-16 203. i had one smoke grenade, one frag grenade and three mags. i kept trying to figure out when and where would be the best time to try to take them out. would getting them all in a building, dropping the frag, followed by the smoke and then the mags be enough to take them out before they were able to stop me? i welcome thoughts on other options to take out multiple allies/foes.
  11. escoffiersghost

    Soo... What now?

    i actually prefer the mid-level game where you have at best an alice pack, an ak or an m16, and the most basic tools. in particular trekking around at night without the aid of nvg on a active server where you know that a lot of the other players have the nvg, ghillie, dmr, etc is true fun. the best and most intense encounters are the ones where you are severely outgunned and outgeared but manage to escape or get the kill. i was ambushed (or rather suprised) at night in starry by a player who had a acog, nvg, and ghillie. i had made my way north by way of a lee and a compass. i entered one of the military tents in search of something better. he was crouched, grabbing some mags. as he turned his acog swung towards me. i could not be bothered to try to escape or find out if he was friendly. two quick .303 shots at close range ended things. of course, zombies love the sound of the lee. our dead dude must have been on teamspeak cause i heard the motor of an atv rev down by the barns. panicked i grabbed his acog, as it was a quick loot and bolted. i could see the lights of the atv coming up the hill. the next ten minutes had me fleeing into the woods with one dude on the atv following and another on foot throwing flares everywhere trying to flush me out. he would fire a burst from his m-16 every so often just to scare the shit out of me even more. i escaped. it was brilliant fun.
  12. escoffiersghost

    Will the standalone have much improved graphics?

    correct on both counts. but, as a standalone game on a new engine i think wanting something a bit better is not out of line.
  13. escoffiersghost

    Side Chat Idiots

    my tale of sidechat idiocy... the server i picked had side chat. so you could hear people talk. mind you everyone on the server can hear it. one guy mentions where he is. another says he will team up with him. says he has a pickup truck. i grab an aks real fast. love the holo sight on that. get some quick gear in neighboring city i make my way towards this pair who has been broadcasting their intentions to the entire world. sure, it could be a trap. whatever, i will take it. as i am running towards the city i see a lot of movement ahead of me. there is a guy with a revolver running down the highway with a pack of zombies behind him. he spots me and runs towards me. i head towards the treeline. he is still moving towards me. son of a bitch. 'those are your zombies, dude.' i say aloud to nobody. i pull the aks to my shoulder and drop two of them with a pair of bursts. i then realize my ammo vs number of zombies is not favorable at all. one burst to the running man's legs has them broken and the rest of the zombies surrounding him and eating his tender meat. sorry, dude. i walk by without them paying note at all. ah, brilliant! i join the voice channel and say that 'such in such just shot at me and i killed him.' everyone previously saw the death message. the pair of buddies are all like 'you are close to us. join.' there is something about them that i trust. and they seem to trust me. sure enough we meet up. they have a pickup. both guys are armed decently. one of them even gives me a blood transfusion. we gather a bunch of gear to fix this other pickup they have found. the entire time they are talking on the side channel. i keep typing messages that are only seen by them only. i keep reminding them that they keep giving away our position and mentioning how much ammo they have. they keep talking about the now two vehicles we have. it was really getting on my nerves. so, i decide to do it. i offer to drive one truck alone. they get into the other together. i make sure i have a full mag in the aks. and over the voice channel i ask 'who wants to die first?' i hear laughter from others on the server and i empty the magazine. 30 rounds later the windshield is shattered and there are two dead bodies. that bit of work taken care of i consolidate all the gear into the one truck, toss a grenade into the one with the dead bodies and drive away.
  14. escoffiersghost

    Me and my lover

    though i like your tale of sentiment gear comes and goes. i have had it all and lost it again, again, again and again. it is all part of the fun. sometimes i trek all over the map gathering what i need. sometimes i get luckier and i see everything i need skulking not as sneakily as it hopes along the treeline of the airfield. two shots with the m-14 later and once more i am geared with all that i could want.