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Everything posted by Owain1122

  1. Should I just kill myself now? My screen is completely grey after losing a lot of blood, I'm well fed and I've waited 45 minutes and there's been no improvement to my screen. I literally cannot see anything properly beyond 5 metres! Has anyone else recovered from loss of blood post .30?
  2. Owain1122

    First human interaction.

    Not my first but here was my surprising interaction for yesterday; #1 guy I met outside cherno, no gear heavily swamped by zombies, I ran up with my axe and killed the zombies for him. He turned round and started punching me so he got the good news with the axe haha. #2 At Balota airfield, me and this guy bump in to each other, I had my Mosin in my hand to look threatening and he did too (I had no ammo hahaha). I made the brave decision to holster my rifle. Surprisingly he did the same, waved at me then carried on. #3 two minutes later I meet another guy at the barracks, then his friend pops out, both of them fully tooled up, at this point I thought it was on, I dropped to the floor as to pretend I was getting in to a firing position. Then they did the same. Hilariously I turn and run knowing full well I have 0 ammo, neither of them followed me or shot me even though they had acres of open ground to do so. #4 I was in Zelenogorsk and I bumped in to a guy in the supermarket, he looked at me and ran. Never have I experienced such a lack of KOS mentality in a day. (PS I like a little bit of KOS, it keeps things exciting)
  3. Owain1122

    The maps not finished.

    Yeah I assumed it was in development when I got lost up that way! It fucked up my "follow the road for civilisation" haha.
  4. Owain1122


    Found half a map on my first character.
  5. I know this is a pain but what about reinstalling the game?
  6. Owain1122

    Got sick when donation blood?

    Maybe the IV kit had an infection? I'm sure that's in game. Such as if an infected player handles an item then then it has a chance to carry and infection. Or it was a stupid bug !
  7. Owain1122

    I found a gun! What now?

    I'm not sure if you can with the pistol yet but I'm sure with M4 you can chamber a single round.
  8. Owain1122

    Got sick when donation blood?

    What do you mean by sick? either the blood had an infection or diesease or the IV kit was infected. Or if you gave the wrong blood type to the recpient then they'll get ill and die.
  9. Sacriel mentioned this to Dean in a stream and he said it was a good idea!
  10. Owain1122

    Isn't the point of an Alpha build...

    well I'm no fanboy, I've been pretty critical pre-release about the direction it was going nut as some examples; wah wah wah rocket lied to us paying us to test how could he do this melee is shit (not constructive feedback to make a solution omg the servers are all night wah wah wah I'm not saying melee and night servers aren't a problem, I'm just saying people need to give constructive feedback.
  11. Owain1122

    Isn't the point of an Alpha build...

    Don't worry the only people I hate is the the people who just cry, cry and cry some more... Critcism is completely and this Alpha sure needs it in this state. I personally am loving the Alpha and it's 100X better than the mod. It has a tons of problems and issues that need sorting obviously!
  12. Owain1122

    People leaving the coast (Mainly big cities, POLL)

    I've gone north once. I don't have a problem whith people choosing to stay but I guess the zombie populations in Cherno when they add the full amounts of zombies in, will drive players away!
  13. Owain1122

    Having trouble in the SA

    A. If you take of your shirt and put it on the ground or in your bacpack or any inventory slot for that matter, and right click it, there should be an option to tear it in to rags. Use this to bandage your wounds. Zombies are now a threat which is excellent give them a miss unless you have a melee weapon. They can also see for miles at the moment too!
  14. Owain1122

    DayZ Standalone download issues!!!!!!!

    Don't shut down downloads in progress is probably the smartest and safest thing to do!
  15. Owain1122

    Server instability?

    Yep I'm getting the same too so I've quit for the night!
  16. Owain1122

    Low FPS for few seconds after 0.29?

    I've noticed lower FPS after the new patch .
  17. Now just to add I bought DayZ the second it hit Steam and have enjoyed it for the past two days with neither major performance or critical bugs. It's been a pleasant earlier alpha :P However I'd just like to point out that after the seconded patch, and the purposeful character wipe (Lost so much stuff :( but I understand why), I'm having huge performance problems, no matter what server. On my first day in Cherno the server had 40 players and ran at a smooth-ish 30FPS. However now I'm hitting 15-20FPS maybe lower in cherno. Next after the patch every single item I put on the floor outside of buildings is falling through the floor. Just thought I'd note them.
  18. Owain1122

    Items falling through floor + Performance

    You're lucky, I had an m4, webbing, tons of food and water, pistol, fire axe... and a can opener :P I've died three time in an hour up to now!
  19. Owain1122

    Invisible Zombies

    My apologies, I was reading on my Iphone and cleaned missed that bit!
  20. Owain1122

    blood type is pretty stupid

    Blood typing is one of the greatest ideas they've had. I love it that pure FPS players have to actually make hard decisions to survive.
  21. Owain1122

    I spotted a rabbit.

    I saw one too! I didn't think they were in game yet!
  22. Owain1122

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Look at the new changelog regarding servers and the new patch.
  23. Now I'm assuming the first big content update will be animals especially after animal meat was added in the animal config and loot arrays in this first patch. I was curious when you guys are betting it will come out? This isn't me expecting it btw just curious! I reckon middle to the end of January, maybe february.