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Everything posted by Onvacation

  1. Onvacation

    Looking for people to join Squad

    Hello there! 1. I mainly use Skype but can use other programs if needed, ofc. 2. Im from Sweden, Gotherburg 3. Pretty much, yeah 4. 18yrs 5. Only had the game for about one week (love it though) 6. I can play all different styles, prefer assault or recon 7. Haven't really gotten the chance to use vehicles yet, but after all I've been playing things like BF(series) 8. Yes, when Im playing alone I can sometimes a douche, but together with my friends Im always trying to do whats best for the team! 9. Depends on weekdays or weekends, mostly prefer evening/night but if Im free, and have the time, I can play anytime. 10. Call of duty series, BF series, WoW. etc.