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About cjsoques

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    On the Coast
  1. cjsoques

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Does anyone not realize we are the testers? With updates coming out so frequently this is more than expected. Clearly no one understands what an alpha is. I've seen huge improvements including -FPS increase -General responsiveness increase -Better balance of zombies and concealment -Loot drop is working better -Joining servers is almost instant now (used to take 15 minutes just weeks ago) A ton of you are just being dicks, but if you think about where we were a few weeks ago, you would think again before being douchebags. The only problem I've encountered so far is the hatchet spawning 30 times when dropping/picking up a new weapon
  2. cjsoques

    Performance Drop; Hotfix

    I would be shocked if this is GPU/Processor dependent for how widespread this issue is...maybe looking in the wrong place when trying to single out hardware, clearly it does not seem to be the issue, but if it helps... Intel Q6600 2.4ghz Quad nVidia 260GTX Problem is seen across the board drops in FPS..I was getting around 20fps in wilderness and 10fps in cities (slow I know, new machine sitting next to me ready for build) Now I see 8fps or so in wilderness and 2-4 in the cities. Edit: I also forgot to mention I always play on the various Virginia servers (EXPERT) that are run by..I think, Jeff