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Everything posted by Clipstuh

  1. I am looking for a group to play with. I'm 16 and I am from the Western United States. If you would like you can add me on steam my username is Clipstuh.
  2. Clipstuh

    Looking for a couple of players

    Add me on steam: Clipstuh
  3. Clipstuh

    New Survivor Group- Now recruiting

    Steam ID: Clipstuh In-game ID: Riddler Aprox hours: 25 Specialty/Skill: Long range recon/ vehicle repair and advance knowledge of the game.
  4. Hey guys I am looking for some friends to play with. There is no age limit, I've been playing for about a month. You must have a mic so we can communicate ect. I am from the western US. Please have some experience in the game. Hit me up on steam: clipstuh