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About BeNJaMMiiN

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I have a Belkin router and I cannot find the encapsulation settings to save my life.. Any tips?
  2. BeNJaMMiiN

    Battleye troubles

    So Battleye has been giving me some serious problems lately. I have been trying to get into servers and when I'm in the lobby I'll press "Ok" to get into the match. Once I press it it shows the "Receiving Data" but it doesn't download. After a few second it says I'm kicked due to Battleye not responding. If I sit in the lobby long enough without pressing "Ok" it will kick me and give me the same error. I have tried so many fixes for this and none seem to work, but the weird thing is about 10% of the servers I join work perfectly fine. It's just the majority that give me this problem. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  3. I would say stick with the M4. I have used both and the AKM is so freaking loud it has zombies from everywhere chasing me. The M4 is quiet enough to where it wont attract a massive horde. I don't know if you're into things like this, but this map right here makes the game much more enjoyable for me as a newer player. I can find where things are and navigate very efficiently. When in the game I'll Alt + Tab out and check the map every so often. Map link: http://dayzdb.com/map#4.046.054
  4. BeNJaMMiiN


    Normally I'm not the type to do this but.. BATTLEYE SUCKS FREAKING BALLS! It's giving me so much crap in the world. Get something else.. PLEASE!
  5. BeNJaMMiiN


    Normally I'm not the type to do this but.. BATTLEYE SUCKS FREAKING BALLS! It's giving me so much crap in the world. Get something else.. PLEASE!