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About etazuo

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. On FR forum you said (1st screen) : my friends cheat (tp, spawn, ...) and i take advantage of it, i dont ban cheater who dont trouble other people. That's the 1st joke. Then you dare to come here and tell you're the nice guy. 2nd joke. Moreover you say only shit about warning your friend because they cheated a lot (you admitted it on FR forum). You say now cheat are over. Very credible. 3rd joke? Can you do more?
  2. admin "Dr4ax" and team "komyk" cheat on the server FR371 (renamed from FR524 yesterday). They are french and often use www.jeuxvideo.com forum. They admitted cheat on this forum (in french) : http://puu.sh/WOiV http://www.jeuxvideo.com/forums/1-29493-15282-26-0-1-0-fr524-ou-komyk-welcome-in-hell.htm#message_19383 Moreover one guy saw them and put a video, we can see black SUV and weapon box on Skalisty Island : We see the dead body "Dr4ax". That happened 17th August around 18 o'clock. No proof but they very often reboot server to have helico respawn or whatever (could be considered as admin abuse i guess). Yesterday they reinstalled server and renamed it, so we lost our tents/vehicle. Hope my english isn't too bad and you'll ban these cheater.