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Everything posted by seraosha

  1. I think all guns over hunting ribfles ought to be removed, but ymmv. And no, you cant have my bizon.
  2. seraosha

    Ten Reasons why Kill on Sight is 'Realistic'

    As a vet, and hurricane survivor that was in Louisiana when Katrina hit, I can honestly say that very few of you dumbasses would survive long enough to procure a firearm, muchless use it correctly. Not hating, just pointing out that if you don't already have a firearm in your possesion, that you are trained to use , and already have supplies, travel plans, ammo and a group of folks that you have already made a plan to meet up with WTSHTF, or it's TEOTWAWKI, you are just a can of beans. But it's just a game...and only in alpha at that. No basis in reality, right. ;)
  3. seraosha

    Wait a minute.... WHAT?!

    I prefer my Bizon, but ymmv.
  4. seraosha

    Massive Game Breaking Problem.

    I'm just helping so you will get ingame so I can shoot you and take your beans. You know, full disclosure and all that, lol.
  5. seraosha

    Massive Game Breaking Problem.

    Alas, where would game forums be without the inevitable flying cockmonkeys and their infantile yammering. If you have the steam version, try checking the integrity of the files, possible file corruption, and ignore the littleshits on summer vacation. Good luck.
  6. Id like the game to progress from alpha to beta. ymmv
  7. seraosha

    People locking servers with passwords

    Report the servers here, add screenshot, eventually they will lose the server or start flying straight. Not hard folks, quit your complaining that someone is actually doing as the mod devs asked.
  8. This dead horse has been beaten enough. No folks, despite what your mommy told you as you toddled off to church, bad people look just like everybody else.
  9. Like having 2 cokes and 2 cans of beans in your inventory while you went offline for a weekend made you feel more alive? Son, you need a girlfriend.
  10. seraosha

    Massive Amounts of Servers Out Of Date

    Just seeing what version server admins choose to run says something about the current build. Numbers dont lie...and the shear amount of frothing fanbois and crying carebears on this forum are most likely not a true reflection of the testing population opinion, but only those that post on game forums. Is there any new game forum that doesn't turn into a toilet? Not in my experience.
  11. seraosha

    DayZ Mod is hitting Television News!

    As an old whiteish person, who also reads fox news, I find your comment offensive, mrbloodworth. The zombies are ovbiously an unholy union of occupiers and teapartiers.
  12. NIve been running around, looting, shooting zombies and players, stealing vehicles, whatnot...and it dawned on me that I havent come across any military medical facilities that look like the outbreak started there...or really, any idea beyond zombie = bad in regards to why there are zombies. Yeah, I know its a zombie apocalypse game set in a former soviet bloc country, but why here? Just because it was the most convenient large arma2 map, I suspect, but as an in-game story idea...? Anyway, you guys got any theories on whats going on, "ingame"?
  13. seraosha

    Client-Side Modifications

    To play devils advocate, making your movement equal between say...a pistol and an enfield in close quarters is a bit ridiculous. Pieing the corner, making entry, stacking with other players in a building...I'm just brainstorming, but I'm not seeing how eliminating weapon length from the character model is legit. But yes, breaking a leg and bleeding out from a doorway is annoying, I just dont know that this additional client side mod is the right answer...especially in light of recent global bans...I'm not risking it.
  14. So are you trying for the golden kneepad award, or something? Dude, as has been made abundantly clear over the course of many days, this is rockets playpen, we just visit. And while everyone likes an atta boy from time to time, the thought that any of the folks working on this experiment need any input from us regarding their actions, motivations, or policies is just dumb. When they care, they will ask...usually in heir own threads asking for a yes or no, in 20 words or less. So in that spirit, yes glad they got global banned, no the mod devs probably dont need a poll'on whether or not we approve, any more than we need a poll regarding water being wet enough.
  15. seraosha

    So how did the zombies happen?

    Yeah, I'm going to find out how & why. Probably not in this alpha stage, but it will be there. Then get started on a cure.
  16. seraosha

    Own fault... :'(

    Buy anoher copy, move on from hacking, second chances and all that.
  17. Dont sweat it man, all game forums are cesspools. Just skim for relevant info, laugh at the dumb kids, and play when you have time.
  18. seraosha

    Female camo skins

    Like any of you dorks has spoken to a woman besides your mom. But as pointed out above, female camo skins are not a priority yet. Hang in there. Im waiting for multicam, myself...the uk DPM camo pattern is lame.
  19. NO Fucking stupid idea. I have handguns and rifles at home. Without melee weapons like a rake, or shovel you are dead.
  20. YES Gets rid of the cartoony bs like bandit skins, makes it an interesting dilema that you have to puzzle.
  21. seraosha

    Free Android High Res Map App

    link works just fine, thanks! But sad that loot locations same as other maps. Html link, not app. Ill try the app link later tonight
  22. seraosha

    Free Android High Res Map App

    Still a black screen, on an ICS hp touchpad . Thanks for the app, once i get it to run!
  23. seraosha

    0.19% or Why I stoped playing

    Not to jump on the bandwagon, but Ive found gps, bino, map, ak74 kobra, DMR, tent and a glock. All on the same guy! Stop hunting loot and start hunting players.
  24. As has been shown in repeated incidents of attacks on ISAF personell by their trusted 'terps and laisons...there is no way short of telepathy to tell that someone is a bad guy. And as someone with direct experience in conflict areas, telling the difference between noncombatants and badguys is almost never as easy as a survivor skin vs a bandit skin, unless in conventional military uniforms. As I am not prior LEO, I can't speak for cops and criminals, but judging by our police, detectives, and the entire judicial system, I'd suggest that having funny feelings about someone might not be universally recognized as a reliable means of determining someone intentions. TL:DR No one gets punished in this game 'till Rocket impliments humanity in later patches.