Recently i had the problem that i was unable to join any server. First i tought it was the game interface like many, so uninstalled evrything ! This fixed the problem for a big number of Public servers. But if you still are unable to join your favorite server try this. 1. Try to uninstall evrything. - Arma II - Arma II : Operation Arrowhead - DayZ commander / Play withSIX. 2. Try to remove "left-over-files" with Ccleaner or something else. When you have done this.. make sure you have nothing left in your file list. How? Register cleaning. 3. Close down your PC! Just reboot it. 4. Reinstall the stuff ! - First install Arma II - Install Arma II : Operation Arrowhead Run the games before you try anything else.. Make sure you get on the BattleEye installer @ each start-up.. otherwise.. try again.. - Download your favorite tool : DayZcommander or Play withSIX. - Run like allways, check for updates etc.. If you have done this all you should be able to join on your server again. Will work 9/10 times. If not. Then this is maybe because you're playing on a private hive? Make sure you are able to connect the DayZ hive first before you attempt to join any private one. If that works you will know nothings wrong with your game. Then go ahead and try it out on a your favorite server (private or not,me no care) If you get the "...loading" part again.. Try to get in contact with a server admin/owner and ask to delete your server-account. You will lose all your progress, but will be able to play again! If this didn't help you out.. i'm sorry, i'm not a WIZ-kid but it worked for me. Grtz, Inattentive! ps: If this helped you out,try to keep this alive and help out other players!