sephirotic (DayZ)
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Everything posted by sephirotic (DayZ)
These guys that have no idea what arma is, and it's features, annoys me. Do some research. AS Vitorez and the full G36 series is natively presented on arma, with proper high grade ballistic tunning. Only thing needed to do is add two lines of code in the editor to allow them to spaw. SYMBOLIC SAGE Not to waste the whole topic tough, i repeat here, that i would like to see some features we have in fallout: braking down ammunition, adding and removing reddots and scopes on guns, and jamming. ALso, allow removing amunition from magazines and putting in new ones, would be interesting. Eventually having a separete entity for bullets could even give birth to a currency and an economy system in the game based on players changing equips by ammunition. (Kinda like Metro 2033)
The "I know that guy" visual system
sephirotic (DayZ) replied to Mutonizer's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Damn i was going to reply to this thread and i created a new topic by accident. Can´t delete it tough. Here is my suggestion: More specifically i purposse adding the "radio" item or simple adding the extra functionaly to the gps item. Basically if all your frinds have a radio or the gps, you can reassign a squad and have the full benefits already impemented of the ARMA II to your friends: -A visible marker of your friend location with the nick bellow it. -Visibility on map of you and your friends location -Exclusive squad chat in game. Most of it is already natively in the arma II engine, so i believe it would be very easy to script. This features of course, limited in veterans servers, while fully activated in regular servers. -
Sorry i can´t delete this topic, created by accident.
Tent Maintenance to prevent de-spawning?
sephirotic (DayZ) replied to Razumen's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Persistent caches and tent mechanics
sephirotic (DayZ) replied to seannybgoode's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Too much complicated options, a backpack is already sman enough so making then persistent and server swappable with your char, should be enough. if you put your bag behind a tree no one will find. Another interesting feature is allowing the smallers bags to be put (empty of course), like they were rolled and tucked up, inside your big bag, this way you use it as a persistent stash hideen behind a tree. For others purpposes the tents do the trick. -
Max chase distance for zombies.(that or melee attack)
sephirotic (DayZ) replied to Supershutze's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
This has extensively been going through this topic: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=6665 2 issues with this, First: Zoombies have SUPER SENSES, they don´t see like the regular arma II ai, after they go into alert/bezerk staten, they simply know exactly where you are, no matter how hard you hide. Two: Zoombies super speed (not for the hopper speed), they simply outrun the player and has better stamina and speed then the player. Wait a sec, this is supposed to be a realistic game right? Not a cursed super badly possessed evil spirit of the sathanic religion of goths. They are infected with some kind of disease and are pretty much dehidrated, in hunger and in a near putrid state. Even if they do get a boost in pain-tolerance, their original bodies will mostly be of original citizens so they may be a 60th year old farmer with arthrites and shouldn´t run as fast as a human. Realism first, but if you want to make the game harder without sacrificing realism, than make more zoombies or other alternatives. I've given some suggestions in my topic, and im oppening to new ones, please post there and i may update in the main topic. -
PLEASE slow the respawn rate of zombies - numbers are FINE :)
sephirotic (DayZ) replied to jupiter (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
This issue is fully debated in the zoombie spawn section here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=6665 -
Don´t need to add a special item, just make the backpacks persistent itens like your char. If you drop your bag, it'll never go away as long as you don´t die. If you logout and log in other server, the bag dropped location on the map will respawn separeted of you in the same server you entered. That is an interesting feature. A small problem of using bags as hiden storage, is that you can´t carry more than one at a time. So i suggest smallers bags (8 and 10 slots) can be put inside a big bag (like the alice, czech or coyote) like they were tucked and rolled down, and only occupy 2 slots or maybe a single one. this way you carry one smaller bag inside your big one, drop it and fill it, and voila. Also, i've discussed lots of aspects of item storage regarding tents here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=6665
TOP 5 Things that should be Tweaked.
sephirotic (DayZ) replied to sephirotic (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Sneaking and sound.
sephirotic (DayZ) replied to Finch (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
On the subject of Barracks
sephirotic (DayZ) replied to Viper1107's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
i'm the only one who manages to go over then simply with "v"? -
Turn DMR mag into 4 m24 or m40 rounds
sephirotic (DayZ) replied to gibonez's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Note that usually sniper rounds are of better quality of machineguns, so it would be interesting to simulate a poor ballistic performance of an round taken from other gun. I'd love a system with independent MAGAZINE/AMMO management. It would be easier to get ammo packs without magazines, but match ammo would be rare, and you would still need to find proper empty magazines. By doing this, also adding low quality ammo and the ability to jam a gun would be awesome, but that is just dreams, lots of script would be needed, a full reconstruction of the inventory system would be needed to be done, and most of all a way to save your itens in a safehouse, independent of the server you play would be the best, because itens get lost so easily nowadays it wouldbt be worth the hassle -
DayZ needs objective other than survival
sephirotic (DayZ) replied to pogoman979's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Everything is pointless, if you take away the competitive element, mmos are pointless, fps are pointless, life is pointless. Yet, they are not and you can still find joy on things. But i do think adding some quests with special itens in this game, keeping the realism of course, would be nice. -
i don´t agree. The game shouldn´t be easier, neither, should it be harder. It should be REALISTIC. I'm not with the casual whinning l4d and cod players, neither am i with the masoquits lunatic asian players, that like to spend 30 hours of their lives training on a single level of tohou memorizing all the possible sequences and actions and mastering relfexes to kill an extremely buffed and overpower monster. ARMA shouldn´t fall in neither extremes. ZOombies shouldn´t run as fast as you, but a single bite on your arm, untreated should lead to a infenction, fever and death in 30 hours if not threated, just like a single bullet in your stomach our lungs should lead to a internal hemorragy and kill you for good.
Installation Broke after hds swaps and Updated to
sephirotic (DayZ) posted a topic in DayZ Mod Troubleshooting
My installation Broke After update to and a change of drive letters in windows. I can´t login in any server, it allways appears: "you cannont play this mission it depends of downloaded content you don´t have, dayz_vehicles etc..." I use the 1.4 arma II laucher, and changed the driver letter accordingly. Forcly updated all the files both with the updatter and manually at @DayZ. The game even loads with that characteristic ocean shot without the "BUilding parts" error, typical of malformed installations. Yet, when i try join a server i get kicked with the same massage. I even started wonder if i was banned for any reason. I'm trying to reinstall the launcher now set it up again. Anyone can give me lights on this? -EDIT- Ok, i just notice what is broken is the arma II launcher, it isn´t loading the DAYZ mod, even tough it is detecting it. Problem is, i never managed to lauch the game via steam, always a differente set of errors happaned. -EDIT 2- I think i fix'd. -
I don´t want to be a dick, but i don´t think you get the point of this game. There are other zombies game for you out there. This game is supposed to be hard, frustrant, very disorientating and most of all: slow paced.
Arma II is a military sim, not a casual cod game. this mod is supposed to be as realistic as possible. Askign to change such a basic, essential and well balanced health vs ballistic system is just plain stupid. You do realize that if you dont aim properly, even a body hit won´t kill you in one shot, don´t you? Anyway, a 7.62 bullet travelling at 600+m/s hitting your chest area will kill you in one shot. Period. Don´t like it? Go back to bf3 in normal mode. (not even hardcore you surive an sniper shot in the chest), there they sacrificed guns damage to dynamic, and hardcore players like myself just plain hate that. If you are a casual, go back to l4d. On an other matter, in regular Arma II with the ACE mode, it was a common thing, getting hit by high calibre round in torso and falling on the ground, alive, but incapacitade. Also, legs shots were much more effective than in DayZ, i never was shot in the leg and wasn´t able to walk anymore, i even tried this on zeds and find it hard to drop tem in a crawling state. i think those kind of shots should be buffed, while maintaning a 1 hit, instante death in the chest área. (actually, should be in the heart are, a bullet in your right lung, relative far from your heart, wouldnt kill you instantly. but without surgery, would be impossible to survive. While in this point, bleedings that can't be fixed should be an interesting feature just to add in the agony and axiety of the game.)
Sirisma's Compiled Mod Suggestion List
sephirotic (DayZ) replied to sirisma's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
No ofense, but too much fiction and deliberation, while no effective pratical and easy suggestion to be implemented.. We have lot's of other priorities. This is more an "what if" chit-chat than a suggestion. -
I approve lockable doors or buildings, however, more in a barricade sense, not a simple key. Ideally those door should have 'health' and be easily broken up by a group of zoombies or a couple of humans with an eventual (crude) meele system.
Makeshift/temporary suppressors for pistols
sephirotic (DayZ) replied to UbiquitousBadGuy's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
I don´t believe this is a hard feature to be scripted, it would take time, but with enough edorsements we could see it happen. So, +1 here. -
Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed
sephirotic (DayZ) replied to rocket's topic in Mod Announcements & Info
COMPLETELY AGREE WITH THIS. neither a completely "anonymous" nor a "marked skin aka: shoot on sight" aproachs are good solutions. The TAG idea is very good. Something like a "like" and "dislike" reputation, you add by visually seing a target. Problem is, the SPOT function of the backspace was removed, and veteran servers has no subtitle whatsoever if you point your "invisible" cursor over an object or a player. Maybe they should fiix that. I vote in favor of a tag/ranting system added by the players. They could even be used to foll some groups with false taggins. Who knows? -
First of all, english is not my first language so please excuse grotesque errors. i've registered on this forum specifically to make two suggestions that i think should be priorities. One of those two suggestions are about moving speed. Ill try post here if i don´t get enough feedback i may create a new topic. - Rebalance in Zoombies vs Player Speed. run has a MASSIVE importance in survival. If stealth fails in the middle of a zed filled zone, you need to get the hell out of there. Arma II has already (kind of) a simulation of stamina and running speed. The more equiped you are, the lesser your initial sprint will last. Have you guys noticed that? If you are in a rest state and start to run, initially you'll get really fast on a sprint rythmn, but will quickly slow down to the jogging rythm that has the exact same speed of the zeds. In the original arma, the more gear you have, the lesser your initial sprint would last. I think this gear vs speed vs sprint characteristic of the game should be explored to rebalance the game. My proposal is. Ammount of gear affect not only the sprint time, but the jogging velocity. Zombies are regular people, like farmers, officeworkers, fat guys, grannys and skinny weak guys, they should not only be slow on they original human ways, they should even be slower in a putrid decomposing/sick state, this mean they should in a normal condition against you run much slower. In the other hand however, even if by nature a zoombie is supposed to be slower than a healthy adult man like our chars, there isn´t a single human that can run properly carrying over 20kg of equipment. This is the balance factor i would like to add: a 100% healthy and rested char should run (jog, not sprint) at, lets say, a 100 speed (10km/h with a precision decimal.). A average zombie should rund as low as, idk, 80~85 speed. This would need experimentantion, i get the feeling, in pratical for a more dramatic effect, this could be increased to over 90, but i believe a healthy human should run indeed much faster, problem isn´t really when you are healthy, but when you are cold, sick and with bloody loss. in this situation your speed would drop close to the zoombie speed, or even lesser! A certain death! Extra carefull would be needed and could even change the whole experience of infiltrating cities if you are hurt. An stamina meter/system should also be interesting to help control run speed, but i understand that would be far more complex and hard to implement, so leave it for now. THE BALANCE FACTOR: The nice dynamic point in this apart from healthy is that this 100 speed is achieved with the regular inventory filled with an empty bag. Every slot of a bag, should decrease the speed by a (again, just especulating, needs experimentation) 2 increment, so with a starter 8 slot bag, if it gets full, you run at only 84 speed, a zoobie at 9.0 km/h will eventually catch you. (but not instantly, you still have the sprint bonus a zoombie SHOULDNT have) the sprint should be around 50 or 80% extra your average speed and last for around 20 seconds with a full 8 slots bags, so you gain some space before getting tired and needed to start jogging. The sprint could (and should) also be influentieted by your tiredness and load status, and in a case of a broken bone, be removed alltogether. Personally i think a broken bone shouldn´t penalize much in the JOGING speed, but just remove the sprint hability completely. So, to add another VERY interesting factor on this rebalance of running/walking speed, i sugest a sinple script/shortcut to be added: DROP YOUR BACKPACK WHILE RUNNING, INSTANTLY INCREASING YOUR EFFECTIVE JOGGING SPEED. Sounds easy to you? Do you realize how hard itll be to find your bag if you are in the middle of a field and needed to run over a kilomter till gettint rid of the zoombies? We will start seeing lost bangs with some nice prizes everywhere! YAY! I should add that all negative effects on character should drastically decrease ones ability to run. The new "flu" module, low blood and a broken bone for instance. I believe this changes are't actually hard to script, however, lots of experimentation should be done for an actually realistic, yet balanced experience. -EDIT- I like hardcore and realistic experiencies, but more to the REALISTIC side, than to extreme hardcore. "ASIAN LEVEL", where you are in extremely disavantage in a just gratuituos way, without realism, just so you can get fucked up and need to spend hours "training", isn´t my type of gameplay. I just like, BALANCED realism, wiht a good amount of challange. Well, but that is just me. But i would like to add that a perfect 'realism simulation' engine isn´t possible so concessions, need to be made, and making a wise decision about realism vs limitation vs advantages should be well studied. For example, imagine if IRL you were running from a couple of zombies chasing you, in the game, currently there is no way you can actually kill then properly. You need to exploit glitches of the nature of the game engine, like climbing ladders and hill or going into water. barricades doesn't work. In real life tough, if you were in the same situation, running desperately from a couple of unrational zoombies at THE SAME SPEED OF you, if you had a handgun you could just try and shoot back, single handade, without the need to stop, and would eventually hit without so much difficulty as an irrational zoombie wouldnt try to avoid being targeted at. However, in this game, stoping, turning around, and waiting to enter iron sigth mode, will pretty much assure you a 2~3 hit by the zoombies, witch can be pretty much fatal. Zoombies running slower is a intereting and not unrealistic way to BALANCE that. That is for my suggestion on "running and zoombie speed rebalance". (offtopic, my other critical suggestion/critic, would be to zoombies NOT SPAWNING in the zone a player is. Don´t get me wrong, i love LOTS of zoombies, but currently spawns are just plain ridiculous, i don´t even bother wasting ammunition to kill a couple of zombies, because i know anytime more zombies could spawn right in front of me and f*** me for good. This could be balanced by increasing spawns on the peripherical zone of cities or sectores where there are players in, and script then to walk in direction of the player, but well, that is other topic).