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About stephenmuldoon19@googlemail.com

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  1. stephenmuldoon19@googlemail.com

    ESP for all

    are half of the posts on this forum troll posts? or are dayz players really that retarded? add those questions to your poll
  2. stephenmuldoon19@googlemail.com

    Psychosis and isolation

    I was thinking similiar but also to add an extra degree of atmosphere, also crazy bastards that live in the woods and think eveyones a bandit and hear voices could be interesting.
  3. stephenmuldoon19@googlemail.com

    Psychosis and isolation

    Was recently reading John Wyndhams post apocolyptic epic Day of the Triffids in it it mentions that lonlieness becomes a factor for the main character as he loses contact with people. It got me thinking how about adding some human interactions to stave it off the mental, food sharing and similiar type things. add some spooky effects maybe hearing things seeing things that aren't there as you become more and more deranged. It could encourage human interaction a little more or simply make it a little more spooky to play alone.
  4. stephenmuldoon19@googlemail.com

    DayZ Screenshots!

    This is why you dont leave 4 barbwire kits in your tent for people to find and play with
  5. stephenmuldoon19@googlemail.com

    Only male zombies

    I think they should just add a single token female zombie but only if they make it wear a "this is what a feminist looks like" t-shirt
  6. stephenmuldoon19@googlemail.com

    "Found at home" weapons suggestion

    A Trident..... that is all