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About kdr723

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I'm not sure what happened. I haven't been able to play the game for months due to problems at home. When I stopped playing all was fine. I never cheating and I wasn't banned. I never spawned anything, scripted, aimbotted, esp'd, anything. But when I came back to play for the first time today, my account was banned. Is there any way to find out why I was banned? Or when? Or if someone hacked my account and cheated on it? I'm extremely upset as I was very excited to get back into DayZ.
  2. kdr723

    PC shut down while in vehicle

    Dont worry, I fixed it. If anyone else has this problem, crawl (move very fucking slowly; you have to keep tapping W) back to the door of the vehicle and scroll your mousewheel to get in.
  3. kdr723

    PC shut down while in vehicle

    Thanks for the help, but I think my situation is a bit different. The game thinks I'm still driving the bus. I can VERY slowly move, but that's it.
  4. kdr723

    PC shut down while in vehicle

    Please upload it; it would be much appreciated.
  5. So I was driving around in a bus. I stopped and turned the engine off to look at my map. Then my computer shutdown (forgot to plug it in). I get back into DayZ, then this. What do? I cant move. Nothing happens when I click. My mousewheel doesnt make any options pop up.
  6. Fuck you and everything about you. You know nothing about coding and making a game if you think that fixing a bug is just "oh we have to delete this one line of coding but we're too lazy to do that right now."
  7. 1.) I was joining in the server that I was playing on and found all my items in. Join in, see "Computron has died." at the bottom, and I'm in an empty wasteland with no gear whatsoever. 2.) I found a work-around to the "artifacting" glitch. If you're in the area where the graphical bug occurs, leave the game (exit arma completely) and re-join. You won't be facing the bugs in that area at all. I was mainly wondering why the devs don't concentrate on these game-breaking bugs more. I'm sure a lot more people would be more dedicated to DayZ without the constant fear of losing everything and starting over. I know that this is a mod and an alpha. I'm not complaining that there are bugs. I'm really not complaining at all. Just wondering more or less. Oh well, guess I'll get back in there and raid some more military bases. I suppose this is the answer I was looking for. Thanks.
  8. Don't you think this should be the absolute top priority? I'm talking about some of the following: Spawning in the ground Spawning dead, effectively losing everything you had Spawning in passed out for 5 minutes even with 12000 blood and no injuries The graphical bug where you walk near a military base and your screen gives you a seizure Zombies walking through walls to get you (okay, not really game-breaking, but it can cause your death) These are all very annoying, especially spawning dead. This has happened at least 4 or 5 times in the past 2 weeks. It's annoying. This time I had NV goggles, binoculars, ghillie suit, CZ and 5 mags for it, an alice pack, matches, toolbox, map, GPS, compass, watch, etc. Why are the devs worrying about adding new features when you can't play the game for 3 days without losing all of your stuff you spent several hours finding? I love this game. I really do. But I don't want to worry about spawning dead every single time I join a server.