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About essbo1337

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. essbo1337

    Possible cheat on server DE 1456?

    You're not lieing! I saw them too... 1 week ago!
  2. essbo1337

    1 rock 2 birds

    Yeah and after 2 hours of successful noobkilling time you'll kill him and then you get your "Sweetie" back ;)
  3. Hey Guys, i found a Hacked Weapon on De 1862... In a Bus with some L115 ammo... I am still driving the but i toke the AK74 GL PS0... So my Question now should i thow it away, or can i use the Weapon?
  4. essbo1337

    Hack/cheat Report

    I found an Ak74 with GL and PS0 what now?
  5. essbo1337

    Hacker on DE 1271

    * Server this happened on. DE 1271 * Time that it happened including your timezone. 16:30 (GMT +2) (Servertime GMT-9) * What happened during the incident. Get teleportet to a Chopper at the sea and then got shot by a Sniper Rifle AS50 with Heatvision. First get brocken Legs and then a shock Name of the Player who shot me : Farlod He was the only Player there and he was sitting in the Chopper