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Everything posted by BuffaloGent

  1. BuffaloGent

    Should I bother getting day z?

    Yes, best 30 bucks you'll ever spend.
  2. BuffaloGent


    Y u delete my post =[ I gave the OP a pretty clear answer.
  3. BuffaloGent

    Peter Griffin in DayZ

    Sucks, please stop doing that.
  4. BuffaloGent


    Some popular cheater on youtube uses that term to adress newbies.
  5. Hey I'm wondering if they nerfed deer stand weapon loot sometime during the past few months? I've looted about 20-30 the last few days and all I'm getting is cz550's or lee enfields? I sure remember them spawning more high-end weapons then that?
  6. BuffaloGent

    No loot/zombies spawning

    Hey, I logged off at the NW airfield last night and when I logged in today at the SW barracks I noticed no zombies spawned. So when I investigated the barracks I saw that ther was no loot present. I figured I might have logged off a bit to close to the barracks so I backed off a good 200 meteres and waited in a bush for about 10 minutes. When I came back to the SW barracks there were still no walkers or any loot present. I then decided to cross the completely abandoned airstrip towards the northern barracks and ofcourse the same issue. 0 zombies in the entire airfield and 0 loot (except in the indudstrial building. Stuff like engines or fuel tanks did spawn though. I'm just wondering if there's anything I'm doing wrong, or is it more of a server side problem?
  7. BuffaloGent

    Server Jumping

    That's not true, about half of the servers that are under the "hide unofficial" tab are in fact private hive servers.
  8. Hey, my clan just recently released their private hive server. I was able to play all day, untill I got killed by zombies at northwest airfield. When trying to respawn back in the game everything went well, chose my character's gender ETC but then I got stuck on "setup completed, please wait" for a good 10-15 followed by me being in the debug fields.So I left the game, and returned to the server. When trying to connect it gave me the option to "male/female" again, so I guess I am somehow unable to connect to the server :/ I've searched the web, and found 2 solutions. 1. Uninstall Arma II I did, re-installed both arma and operation arrowhead, didn't solve it. 2. Join cs02 or de201(i think it was) Well, I did, I still had my "main hive character" as if nothing happend, then went back to the private server only to be greeted by the "male/female --- setupt completed, please wait (can open my empty bag when pressing G)---- debug field (with nothing in my inventory) If anyone would have a solution for me, that would be most appreciated!
  9. BuffaloGent

    Calling for MASS HIVE WIPE <---|

    You are playing an alpha game.
  10. BuffaloGent

    Point-Buy Character Creation

    gtfo please
  11. BuffaloGent

    [ZH] Zombie Hords is Recruiting

    In-game Name: BuffaloAAGent Steam name: Nikias720@msn.com Age:22 The current time zone you're residing in(UTC): GMT+1 Mic: yes How long you've been playing: 1 month Your preferred role and/or weapon: Assault Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): 2500