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About fgw

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  1. fgw

    DayZMod 1.9 Release

    stupid me! of course, 32 bit application (arma) will require 32 bit compiled dll's! to run a program u need to install the redist version, corresponding to the version of visual studio, the program was compiled with: arma itself requires redist 2008 old hive required redist 2010 (i need it on my server anyway, as i use a private dll which i compiled with visual studio 2010 also) new hive requires redist 2015 (as stated above) no idea if redist 2013 actually is required at all? all redist are 32 bit versions: x86! ohh, and nice guide u made and posted above! just one comment after a quick look: Installation & Configuration 5) Create a SYMLINK from c:\arma2oa\Addons to c:\arma2\Addons (?? IS THIS NEEDED??) no need for symlink or copy of files if u specify correct "-mod" options when starting the server: "-mod=C:\Arma2;Expansion;CA;@DayZ;@Hive" assuming Arma2 was installed into C:\Arma2 as in your example in your guide
  2. fgw

    DayZMod 1.9 Release

    was hive.dll compiled for 32 bit or 64 bit? if hive was compiled using vs2015 what is 2013 redist required for (prerequisites above)? also the top download links states its redist 2015, but actually ends up downloading redist 2012?
  3. hi r4z0r49, related to the latest beta or something else? cause yesterday another beta was released which turned a lot of things back to the state it was before. though i have no info regarding the changed classes? if they effect dayz at all or if they are turned back also? there were reports of a issues with MedBox0 though. unfortunately my server is off right now, so im unable to test. but plan to bring it back up again soon ... anyway, thanks to you and all others for your continuing work! merry xmas!
  4. fgw

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    yeah, im aware that it needs to fit to gameplay. may be to just add a little more gain for drinking a can of coke or eating a can of beans. to need to stop and eat - may be 2 times while crossing the map - is completely ok! it just requires a bit too much cans to drink or pasta to eat in order to kill thurst and hunger. not saying a single can should completely fill you up, but a slight increase of calories per can is what might help! thanks for looking into it! will make an issue on github about the trash!
  5. fgw

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    tried to disable trash by setting dayz_Trash = 0; in variables.sqf. unfortunately this had no effect. so i investigated a bit and found out the line _rubbish1 = dayz_Trash == 1; in stream_locationCheck.sqf which looked a bit weird to me! but even changing this line did not have any effect! is stream_locationCheck.sqf called anywher at all? cant find a call to this script! has anybody successfully been able to remove the trash?
  6. fgw

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    i second that! it seems just too much food and drink consuming to survive! not that u can find it, but its just annoying if u have to eat and drink every 10 minutes or so. i love to have to look for food and drink to make it more realistic but in my opinion the character gets way too fast hungry and thirsty and needs too much food and drink to recover ...
  7. fgw

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    kichilron is right! add -noPatchCheck to your cmdline
  8. fgw

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    R4Z0R49, can find the following files for download on the uk mirror: @Client-1.8.1-4cf6dbd-Full.rar @Server-1.8.1-4cf6dbd-Full.rar dayz_1337.chernarus.pbo could you pls confirm if this are the correct, most recent files? may be you can post md5 hashes for this files here, so everybody can verify the download himself ... anyway, great to see the mod gets going again. will bring back my server to life and jump on the train again! thanks for all your effort!
  9. fgw

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    same here, me and my buddys are waiting patiently to update my server to 1.8.1 ...
  10. fgw

    DayZ 1.8 Feedback

    R4Z0R49, you got me wrong! i like the mod and will be happy as you add new features or fixes. running my own private server with some modded script here and there. but base is the standard mod as you release it. was just wondering whats going on with the "Mod Announcements & Info" forum and why its locked. there was a change to the permission system and since than this single forum is unusable where all other forums are available for posting!
  11. fgw

    DayZ 1.8 Feedback

    well, its a bit off topic, but: does anybody know why the Mod Announcements & Info forum is locked? watching this for almost 4 weeks now. already sent some pm's to three (!) different admins, but did not get any response! is this on purpose? still like the mod! did not even get hold of the sa for reasons already posted from some others. just want to know whats going on here ...
  12. fgw

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    will bloodtype remain the same after server restarts? in fact will it be saved to the database somehow? creating bloodbags from your own for later use would be useless otherwise. also is there a limit you can store such bloodbags? it might get unusable may be even infected after some time? just some thoughts ...
  13. fgw

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    r4z0r49,if this is controlled via variables.sqf than it is changed to 5 now: //DayZ settingsdayz_maxAnimals = 5and yes, you are right: its almost impossible to satisfy everyone. but anyway, so far i like the last update. one remark regarding bloodbags. forcing players to create their own bloodbags is an interesting feature. but i would still leave some bloodbags as they are right now. guess in hospitals there could still some bloodbags spawn, although a much more limited number than before. there is no reason why you should not be able to find ready to use bloodbags at hospitals ...
  14. fgw

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    sorry my fault, now i can i see what you are talking about! adding anything starting with PVCDZ to line 2 which starts with 5 PVDZ_ ... is completely useless! simply missed the "C" in there. so as i get it now, there are two changes required: to prevent players from being kicked for gutting animals: changing line 1 from 5 !="remExField" !="remExFP" !="drn_AskServerDynamicWeatherEventArgs" !="BIS_effects_gepv" !="dayzLoad" !"PVDZ_" to 5 !="remExField" !="remExFP" !=PVCDZ_obj_GutBody !="drn_AskServerDynamicWeatherEventArgs" !="BIS_effects_gepv" !="dayzLoad" !"PVDZ_" . to prevent players from being kicked immediately after logging in: adding somewhere: 1="PVDZ_getTickTime"
  15. fgw

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    what are you talking about? where in my post did i recommend to add 5 PVDZ != 5 PVCDZ ? 1="PVDZ_getTickTime" was exactly what i posted above? anyway, there might be better solutions than what i suggested, but what i added prevents players on my server from being kicked ...