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About NL-Fierce

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  1. Hacker banned on DE 1661 by the name of; "Elite Challenger". Reason; Exploding our truck filled with goodies in Mogilevka at the helicopter crashsite, teleporting himselves to us in a forbidden skin and killing 2 of my teammates afterwards.
  2. NL-Fierce

    Any take meat from animals

    Yes, the meat from the ass of the animal is the most tender and tastes the best :lol:
  3. NL-Fierce

    New at dayz and I have a problem...

    Download and instal Gamebooster 3. it wil turn off some background programs/services and give you some extra fps.
  4. NL-Fierce

    New at dayz and I have a problem...

    For 300 euro's you can build yourselves a budget system; Asrock 960 GM motherboard 40,50 AMD Athlon II X2 260 46,50 Corsair 2 GB 1333 ram 12,90 WD 250 GB harddisk 48,00 Sony dvdburner 16,60 Sapphire HD 6670 67,50 (best budget card according to Toms hardware) Rasurbo 550 watt PSU 26,60 MsTech case 26,30 15 euro's for shipping/postal and voila play dayz on high settings.
  5. NL-Fierce

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    It happened to me a while ago so I dont know the exact name of the server,but I do now it was an NL (netherlands) server. I was on a hill outside Mogilevka overlooking the village when out of nowhere 2 players teleported on the right side of me. They passed me by in front, running, and I see "admin"in the leading player's tag. Suddenly i get a strange error message and at the following moment I find myself in a glitched up field with other players on the server where we all got killed at once. And yes, of course I had to start form scratch again on another server. On another german server I was quite surprised that another player (and the only one) I was on the server with could find me wherever I was and Im sure he wasnt following me on foot, he just popped up where i was, and kept killing me right after I respawned again.
  6. Swapped my Mak for a .45 pistol on my latest trip to Elektro cafe. But the amno is pretty hard to find.
  7. NL-Fierce

    Looking for 1-2 players to join our group (EU)

    Hi Randal, Im 28 and I like to join you guys, my dayz id is [NL]Fierce. You guys playing this evening? I have a working mic,steam,skype and teamspeak 3.
  8. Happened to me on the east hill of Stary sobor and the airfield today. Everytime I turned to my right, part of the screen was glitched. Thanks for the tip Mclovincr, gonna try that out next time.
  9. Yep, you are right, found out later I didnt had to drop it to chop wood.
  10. Thanks, you're suggesting I'd go for a better sidearm the next time?
  11. Pff, I finally came back alive from my 2nd trip to the Northern airfield :rolleyes: 3 days ago my trip was stopped to a halt due to a trigger happy sniper who shot me in the back making my way down from the east hill into Stary sobor. A mistake I wont make that fast again. Now I take out my bino's 1st and take the time before entering a village/city or whenever i have to cross an open field. Im packing an AK that i found in one of the Balota hangars and as a sidearm the Makarov with 7/8 clips. Ran into some heavier pistols but due to the fact they make more noise I stick with my trusty Mak. I killed and gutted a cow leaving Staroye heading towards Guglovo and had my 1st steak. Did shoot a rabbit before just to test out how to gut, make a fire and cook it. Only hate the fact that I have to drop a weapon to use my hatchet, hope they wil make this easier and you can select any weapon in a full inventory. I wish for a bigger bagpack in the coming days, the camo Czech bagpack with a bag on the front? is filled up to the upperzipper. Lately i seem to have a luxuary problem whenever to drop loot and/or swap it with something else, something i didnt have when playing the 1st week ;) The only special gun I found at the airfield was an MP5A5, but i think i made a good choice not to swap it for the AK. Learned that with the tools to make a fire and a filled canteen you can go a long way. Beans and pop? who needs em ^_^ When i returned back from my trip to my save spot I made a campfire, treated myself to some wild boar steak and had a coke for a change :thumbsup:
  12. NL-Fierce

    Being a hero versus being a bandit

    Lots of little kiddies on servers just for bragging about killstreaks. I hear it all the time; " I have the highest killstreak on this server, on that server..... >:( If you wer running buttnaked in the streets of Elektro they would even shoot your ass for organs ;)
  13. NL-Fierce

    Being a hero versus being a bandit

    Had the same thing yesterday, some unarmed newspawn was chased by zombs into the cafe in Cherno, helped the guy out, dropped my AK and hatched 5 of em Believe it or not, I play the game for 2 and a half months now and stil havent killed anyone. I had some encounters where I had to return fire, despite being killed with a heavier gun. After the incident yesterday it could've turned bad for me dropping the AK I tought afterwards, the guy could,ve taken it and shoot me in the back.
  14. NL-Fierce

    Looting the NW Airfield...What you can expect.

    56:58 - Are the windows bulletproof at the airfield? :D
  15. NL-Fierce

    Ran Into a Dog Today

    Would be strange if the dog killed you and you'd found out later it looted your ass from a couple of steaks :D