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Everything posted by twist474

  1. twist474

    DayZ Stories

    So last night I just spawned was at Balota airfield messing about when i get messageson side chat calling out for help describing my location I replied and went to help him. Trouble was I didn't have any medical supplies lol he asked for a drink I gave it to him then he tells me his leg is broken I went into the medical tents near him only to not find anything of use but i found two M67 grenades, my dark humor got the best of me so i go back to the wounded player and tell him i put something in his pack im going to go now sorry I couldn't be of more help. A good five minutes past and I hear a boom in the distance along with that players name, I just help a person with euthanasia :blink: . I wonder what the person thought when I gave him the grenade lol. O Dayz the things you cause us to do!
  2. Im living in okinawa japan at the moment and have been playing in KR111 which i have one kit, and when i join a US server i seem to have a different kit the first time i playing on the KR i thought i just got F'ed over and the game bugged my stuff out but now it seems i have two kits.
  3. Im living in okinawa japan at the moment and have been playing in KR111 which i have one kit, and when i join a US server i seem to have a different kit the first time i playing on the KR i thought i just got F'ed over and the game bugged my stuff out but now it seems i have two kits.